Name | Type | Description |
WorkStartTime |
 | Work Start Time | |
 | 作業開始時間 | 仕事開始予定のデフォルト時刻。プレゼンテーション目的のために、仕事の開始時間がWorkStartTimeと一致するならば、アプリケーションは日付だけを表示するほうを選ぶことが出来る。逆に、時間を指定することなく日付を入力した際、アプリケーションはWorkStartTimeを自動的に追加することが出来る。 |
The default time of day a task is scheduled to start. For presentation purposes, if the start time of a task matches the WorkStartTime, then applications may choose to display the date only. Conversely when entering dates without specifying time, applications may automatically append the WorkStartTime.
WorkFinishTime |
 | Work Finish Time | The default time of day a task is scheduled to finish. For presentation purposes, if the finish time of a task matches the WorkFinishTime, then applications may choose to display the date only. Conversely when entering dates without specifying time, applications may automatically append the WorkFinishTime. |
 | 作業終了時間 | 作業が終了するスケジュールのデフォルト時刻。 |
WorkDayDuration |
 | Work Day Duration | The elapsed time within a worktime-based day. For presentation purposes, applications may choose to display IfcTask durations in work days where IfcTaskTime.DurationType=WORKTIME. This value must be less than or equal to 24 hours (an elapsed day); if omitted then 8 hours is assumed. |
 | 作業日数 | 作業時間を基にした、経過時間の日数。 |
WorkWeekDuration |
 | Work Week Duration | The elapsed time within a worktime-based week. For presentation purposes, applications may choose to display IfcTask durations in work weeks where IfcTaskTime.DurationType=WORKTIME. This value must be less than or equal to 168 hours (an elapsed week); if omitted then 40 hours is assumed. |
 | 作業週数 | 作業時間を基にした経過時間の週数。 |
WorkMonthDuration |
 | Work Month Duration | The elapsed time within a worktime-based month. For presentation purposes, applications may choose to display IfcTask durations in work months where IfcTaskTime.DurationType=WORKTIME. This value must be less than or equal to 744 hours (an elapsed month of 31 days); if omitted then 160 hours is assumed. |
 | 作業月数 | 作業時間を基にした経過時間の週数の月数。 |