Name | Type | Description |
GlassLayers |
| German-name-1 | German-description-1 |
| Glass Layers | Number of glass layers within the frame. E.g. "2" for double glazing. |
| NombreVitrages | Nombre de couches de verre dans le cadre. Exemple : 2 pour le double vitrage. |
| 銈儵銈规灇鏁 | 銈儵銈广伄鏋氭暟銆備緥锛"2"銇儦銈€偓銉┿偣銆 |
| 鐜荤拑灞傛暟 | 妗嗗唴鐜荤拑鐨勫眰鏁般備緥濡傦細鈥2鈥濊〃绀哄弻灞傜幓鐠冦 |
GlassThickness1 |
| German-name-2 | German-description-2 |
| Glass Thickness1 | Thickness of the first (inner) glass layer. |
| EpaisseurVitrage1 | Epaisseur de la premi猫re couche de verre (c么t茅 int茅rieur) |
| 銈儵銈瑰帤1 | 鏈鍒濄伄锛堝鍐呭伌锛夈偓銉┿偣銇帤銇裤 |
| 鐜荤拑鍘氬害1 | 绗竴灞傦紙鍐呬晶锛夌幓鐠冪殑鍘氬害銆 |
GlassThickness2 |
| German-name-3 | German-description-3 |
| Glass Thickness2 | Thickness of the second (intermediate or outer) glass layer. |
| EpaisseurVitrage2 | Epaisseur de la deuxi猫me couche de verre (interm茅diaire ou c么t茅 ext茅rieur) |
| 銈儵銈瑰帤2 | 2鐣洰锛堜腑闁撱併亗銈嬨亜銇鍋达級銇偓銉┿偣銇帤銇裤 |
| 鐜荤拑鍘氬害2 | 绗簩灞傦紙涓棿鎴栧渚э級鐜荤拑鐨勫帤搴︺ |
GlassThickness3 |
| German-name-4 | German-description-4 |
| Glass Thickness3 | Thickness of the third (outer) glass layer. |
| EpaisseurVitrage3 | Epaisseur de la troisi猫me couche de verre (c么t茅 ext茅rieur) |
| 銈儵銈瑰帤3 | 3鐣洰锛堝鍋达級銇偓銉┿偣銇帤銇裤 |
| 鐜荤拑鍘氬害3 | 绗笁灞傦紙澶栦晶锛夌幓鐠冪殑鍘氬害銆 |
FillGas |
| German-name-5 | German-description-5 |
| Fill Gas | Name of the gas by which the gap between two glass layers is filled. It is given for information purposes only. |
| GazEntreVitrages | Nom du gaz remplissant l'espace entre deux couches de verre. Donn茅 脿 titre informatif seulement. |
| 鍏呭~銈偣绋 | 2鏋氥伄銈儵銈归枔銇殭闁撱伀鍏呭~銇曘倢銇熴偓銈广伄鍚嶇О銆傘亾銈屻伅鎯呭牨鐩殑灏傜敤銇彁渚涖仌銈屻倠銆 |
| 濉厖姘斾綋 | 涓ゅ眰鐜荤拑涔嬮棿濉厖姘斾綋鐨勫悕绉般備粎渚涘弬鑰冦 |
GlassColor |
| German-name-6 | German-description-6 |
| Glass Color | Color (tint) selection for this glazing. It is given for information purposes only. |
| CouleurVitrage | Choix de la couleur (teinte) du vitrage. Donn茅 脿 titre informatif seulement. |
| 銈儵銈硅壊 | 銈儵銈广伄鑹插悎銇勩傘亾銈屻伅鎯呭牨鐩殑灏傜敤銇彁渚涖仌銈屻倠銆 |
| 鐜荤拑棰滆壊 | 鐜荤拑锛堣创鑶滐級鐨勯鑹层備粎渚涘弬鑰冦 |
IsTempered |
| German-name-7 | German-description-7 |
| Is Tempered | Indication whether the glass is tempered (TRUE) or not (FALSE) . |
| VitrageTrempe | Indique si le verre est tremp茅 (VRAI) ou non (FAUX). |
| 寮峰寲銈儵銈 | 寮峰寲銈儵銈广亱锛圱RUE锛夊惁銇(FALSE)銈掔ず銇欍 |
| 鏄惁閽㈠寲 | 琛ㄧず鐜荤拑鏄惁缁忚繃寮哄寲澶勭悊銆 |
IsLaminated |
| German-name-8 | German-description-8 |
| Is Laminated | Indication whether the glass is layered with other materials (TRUE) or not (FALSE). |
| VitrageFeuillete | Indique si le verre est feuillet茅 (VRAI) ou non (FAUX). |
| 鐨啘銈掕銇涖仧銈儵銈 | 銈儵銈逛互澶栥伄绱犳潗銇岄噸銇倝銈屻仸銇勩倠銇嬶紙TRUE锛夊惁銇嬶紙FALSE)绀恒仚銆 |
| 鏄惁澶瑰眰 | 琛ㄧず鐜荤拑鏄惁鍏锋湁鍚叾浠栨潗鏂欑殑澶瑰眰銆 |
IsCoated |
| German-name-9 | German-description-9 |
| Is Coated | Indication whether the glass is coated with a material (TRUE) or not (FALSE). |
| VitrageTraite | Indique si le verre a subi un traitement de surface (VRAI) ou non (FAUX). |
| 銈炽兗銉嗐偅銉炽偘 | 銈儵銈广亴銈炽兗銉嗐偅銉炽偘銇曘倢銇勩倠銇嬶紙TRUE锛夊惁銇嬶紙FALSE锛夌ず銇欍 |
| 鏄惁闀鑶 | 琛ㄧず鐜荤拑鏄惁鍏锋湁鏌愮鏉愭枡鐨勯晙鑶溿 |
IsWired |
| German-name-10 | German-description-10 |
| Is Wired | Indication whether the glass includes a contained wire mesh to prevent break-in (TRUE) or not (FALSE) |
| VitrageArme | Indique si le verre est un verre arm茅 脿 maille anti-effraction (VRAI) ou non (FAUX) |
| 缍插叆銈娿偓銉┿偣 | 涓嶆硶渚靛叆闃叉銇恫鍏ャ倞銈儵銈广亱锛圱RUE)鍚︺亱锛團ALSE锛夌ず銇欍 |
| 鏄惁澶逛笣 | 琛ㄧず鐜荤拑鏄惁鍏锋湁闃叉柇瑁傜殑绾ょ淮缃戞牸銆 |
VisibleLightReflectance |
| Reflektionsgrad f眉r sichtbares Licht | German-description-12 |
| Visible Light Reflectance | Fraction of the visible light that is reflected by the glazing at normal incidence. It is a value without unit. |
| ReflexionVisible | Fraction du rayonnement visible qui est r茅fl茅chi par le vitrage sous incidence normale. Valeur sans unit茅. |
| 鍙鍏夊弽灏勭巼 | 銈儵銈广伕娉曠窔鍏ュ皠銇椼仧鍙鍏夈伄鍙嶅皠鐜囥傚崢浣嶃伄鐒°亜鍊ゃ |
| 鍙鍏夊弽灏勭巼 | 姝e皠鏃惰鐜荤拑鍙嶅皠鐨勫彲瑙佸厜姣斾緥銆傛棤鍗曚綅銆 |
VisibleLightTransmittance |
| Transmissionsgrad f眉r sichtbares Licht | German-description-11 |
| Visible Light Transmittance | Fraction of the visible light that passes the glazing at normal incidence. It is a value without unit. |
| TransmittanceVisible | Fraction du rayonnement visible qui est transmise par le vitrage sous incidence normale. Valeur sans unit茅. |
| 鍙鍏夐忛亷鐜 | 銈儵銈广伕娉曠窔鍏ュ皠銇椼仧鍙鍏夈伄閫忛亷鐜囥傚崢浣嶃伄鐒°亜鍊ゃ |
| 鍙鍏夐忓皠鐜 | 姝e皠鏃剁┛閫忕幓鐠冪殑鍙鍏夋瘮渚嬨傛棤鍗曚綅銆 |
SolarAbsorption |
| Strahlungsabsorbtionsgrad | German-description-13 |
| Solar Absorption | (Asol) The ratio of incident solar radiation that is absorbed by a glazing system. It is the sum of the absorption distributed to the exterior (a) and to the interior (qi). Note the following equation Asol + Rsol + Tsol = 1 |
| AbsorptionRayonnementSolaire | (Asol). Ratio du rayonnement solaire incident qui est absorb茅 par le vitrage. Somme de l'absorption distribu茅e 脿 l'ext茅rieur (a) et 脿 l'int茅rieur (qi). Noter l'茅quation suivante : Asol + Rsol + Tsol = 1. |
| 鏃ュ皠鍚稿弾鐜 | 锛圓sol)銈儵銈广仹鍚稿弾銇曘倢銈嬫棩灏勩伄姣旂巼銆傚惛鍙庛伄鍚堣▓銇閮紙a锛夈仺銆佸鍐咃紙qi锛夈伀鍒嗛厤銇曘倢銈嬨備互涓嬨伄鏂圭▼寮忋伀娉ㄦ剰銆侫sol + Rsol + Tsol = 1 |
| 澶槼鑳藉惛鏀剁巼 | 锛圓sol锛夎鐜荤拑绯荤粺鍚告敹鐨勫お闃冲叆灏勮緪灏勭殑姣旂巼锛屼负浼犻掑埌瀹ゅ鍜屽鍐呯殑鍚告敹鐨勬婚噺銆傛敞锛氫互涓嬬瓑寮忔垚绔婣sol + Rsol + Tsol = 1 |
SolarReflectance |
| Strahlungsreflectionsgrad | German-description-14 |
| Solar Reflectance | (Rsol): The ratio of incident solar radiation that is reflected by a glazing system (also named 蟻e). Note the following equation Asol + Rsol + Tsol = 1 |
| ReflexionRayonnementSolaire | (Rsol). Ratio du rayonnement solaire incident qui est r茅fl茅chi par le vitrage. Noter l'茅quation suivante : Asol + Rsol + Tsol = 1. |
| 鏃ュ皠鍙嶅皠鐜 | 锛圧sol锛夈偓銉┿偣銇у弽灏勩仚銈嬫棩灏勩伄姣旂巼锛埾乪銇ㄣ倐琛ㄣ倧銇曘倢銈嬶級銆備互涓嬨伄鏂圭▼寮忋伀娉ㄦ剰銆侫sol + Rsol + Tsol = 1 |
| 澶槼鑳藉弽灏勭巼 | 锛圧sol锛夎鐜荤拑绯荤粺鍙嶅皠鐨勫お闃冲叆灏勮緪灏勭殑姣旂巼锛堜篃鍙敤蟻e琛ㄧず锛夈傛敞锛氫互涓嬬瓑寮忔垚绔婣sol + Rsol + Tsol = 1 |
SolarTransmittance |
| Strahlungstransmissionsgrad | German-description-15 |
| Solar Transmittance | (Tsol): The ratio of incident solar radiation that directly passes through a glazing system (also named 蟿e). Note the following equation Asol + Rsol + Tsol = 1 |
| TransmissionRayonnementSolaire | (Tsol). Ratio du rayonnement solaire incident qui est transmis directement par le vitrage. Noter l'茅quation suivante : Asol + Rsol + Tsol = 1. |
| 鏃ュ皠閫忛亷鐜 | 锛圱sol锛夈偓銉┿偣銈掗忛亷銇欍倠鏃ュ皠銇瘮鐜囷紙蟿e銇ㄣ倐琛ㄣ倧銇曘倢銈嬶級銆備互涓嬨伄鏂圭▼寮忋伀娉ㄦ剰銆侫sol + Rsol + Tsol = 1 |
| 澶槼鑳介忓皠鐜 | 锛圱sol锛夐忚繃鐜荤拑绯荤粺鐨勫お闃冲叆灏勮緪灏勭殑姣旂巼锛堜篃鍙敤蟿e琛ㄧず锛夈傛敞锛氫互涓嬬瓑寮忔垚绔婣sol + Rsol + Tsol = 1 |
SolarHeatGainTransmittance |
| Gesamtenergiedurchlassgrad | German-description-16 |
| Solar Heat Gain Transmittance | (SHGC): The ratio of incident solar radiation that contributes to the heat gain of the interior, it is the solar radiation that directly passes (Tsol or 蟿e) plus the part of the absorbed radiation that is distributed to the interior (qi). The SHGC is refered to also as g-value (g = 蟿e + qi). |
| ApportsSolaires | (SHGC): Ratio du rayonnement solaire incident qui contribue aux apports solaires r茅cup茅r茅s. Rayonnemment transmis directement (Tsol ou Te), plus la part de rayonnement absorb茅 restitu茅 脿 l'int茅rieur (qi). Le SHGC est 茅galement appel茅 valeur-g (g = Te + qi). |
| 閫忛亷澶櫧鐔卞埄寰椾總鏁 | (SHGC):瀹ゅ唴銇啽鍒╁緱銇師鍥犮仺銇倠鏃ュ皠銇瘮鐜囥傘偓銉┿偣銇忛亷鍒(Tsol or 蟿e)銇ㄥ惛鍙庡垎銇唴銆佸鍐呭伌(qi)銇搞伄鍒嗛厤鍒嗐伄鍜屻係HGC銇乬鍊わ紙g = 蟿e + qi锛夈仺銇椼仸銈傚弬鐓с仌銈屻倠銆 |
| 澶槼鑳藉緱鐑郴鏁 | 锛圫HGC锛夊鑷村鍐呭彇寰楃儹閲忕殑鍏ュ皠澶槼杈愬皠姣旂巼锛岃鍊间负閫忓皠澶槼杈愬皠锛圱sol鎴栂別锛変笌鍒嗛厤鍒板鍐呯殑鍚告敹澶槼杈愬皠锛坬i锛夌殑鍜屻係HGC涔熻绉颁负g鍊硷紙g = 蟿e + qi锛夈 |
ShadingCoefficient |
| mittlere Durchlassfaktor b | Das Verh盲ltnis aus g-Wert der jeweiligen Verglasung und dem g-Wert eines Zweischeiben-Normalglasfensters.
Der g-Wert dieses Zweischeiben-Normalglasfensters wird als Konstante mit 80 % angesetzt. Bei Einfachglas betr盲gt die Konstante 87 %, Auch "Shading coefficient" genannt. |
| Shading Coefficient | (SC): The measure of the ability of a glazing to transmit solar heat, relative to that ability for 3 mm (1/8-inch) clear, double-strength, single glass. Shading coefficient is being phased out in favor of the solar heat gain coefficient (SHGC), and is approximately equal to the SHGC multiplied by 1.15. The shading coefficient is expressed as a number without units between 0 and 1. |
| CoefficientOmbrage | (SC): Mesure de la capacit茅 d'un vitrage 脿 transmettre l'茅nergie solaire comparativement 脿 un simple vitrage clair, de 3 mm (double renfort). Le coefficient d'att茅nuation est supprim茅 progressivement en faveur du coefficient d'apport solaire (SHGC) et est approximativement 茅gal au SHGC multipli茅 par 1,15. Le coefficient d'att茅nuation est exprim茅 comme nombre sans unit茅s entre 0 et 1. |
| 閬斀淇傛暟 | (SC): 銈儵銈广伄澶櫧鐔变紳灏庛伄鍩烘簴銆3mm锛1/8銈ゃ兂銉侊級閫忔槑銇竴鏋氥偓銉┿偣銇ц兘銇ㄣ伄姣斻傞伄钄戒總鏁般伅澶櫧鐔卞埄寰椾總鏁(SHGC)銇Щ琛屻仐銆佹闅庣殑銇粌姝€丼HGC脳1.15銇ㄣ伝銇ㄣ倱銇╃瓑銇椼亜銆傞伄钄戒總鏁般伅锛愩亱銈夛紤銇俱仹銇崢浣嶇劇銇椼伄鍊ゃ |
| 閬槼绯绘暟 | 锛圫C锛夌幓鐠冧紶閫掑お闃崇儹閲忚兘鍔涚殑搴﹂噺锛屼互3mm锛1/8鑻卞锛夐忔槑鍙屽嶅己搴﹀崟灞傜幓鐠冧负鍩哄噯銆傞伄闃崇郴鏁版湁琚お闃宠兘寰楃儹绯绘暟锛圫HGC锛夊彇浠g殑瓒嬪娍锛屽叾鍊肩害涓篠HGC鐨1.15鍊嶃傞伄闃崇郴鏁颁互澶т簬0灏忎簬1鐨勬棤鍗曚綅鏁拌〃绀恒 |
ThermalTransmittanceSummer |
| German-name-15 | German-description-17 |
| Thermal Transmittance Summer | Thermal transmittance coefficient (U-Value) of a material.
Summer thermal transmittance coefficient of the glazing only, often referred to as (U-value). |
| TransmittanceThermiqueEte | Coefficient de transmission thermique (U) d'un mat茅riau. Coefficient de transmission thermique en 茅t茅 du vitrage seul, souvent d茅sign茅 comme 茅tant Uw. |
| 澶忔湡銇啽閫忛亷淇傛暟 | 绱犳潗銇啽閫忛亷淇傛暟锛圲鍊わ級銆傚鏈熴伄銈儵銈广伄鐔遍忛亷淇傛暟銇犮亼銆乁鍊ゃ仺銇椼仸鍙傜収銇曘倢銈 |
| 澶忓瀵肩儹绯绘暟 | 鏉愭枡鐨勫鐑郴鏁帮紙U鍊硷級銆
浠呯幓鐠冪殑澶忓瀵肩儹绯绘暟锛屽父浠鍊艰〃绀恒 |
ThermalTransmittanceWinter |
| German-name-16 | German-description-18 |
| Thermal Transmittance Winter | Thermal transmittance coefficient (U-Value) of a material.
Winter thermal transmittance coefficient of the glazing only, often referred to as (U-value). |
| TransmittanceThermiqueHiver | Coefficient de transmission thermique (U) d'un mat茅riau. Coefficient de transmission thermique en hiver du vitrage seul, souvent d茅sign茅 comme 茅tant Uw. |
| 鍐銇啽閫忛亷淇傛暟 | 绱犳潗銇啽閫忛亷淇傛暟锛圲鍊わ級銆傚鏈熴伄銈儵銈广伄鐔遍忛亷淇傛暟銇犮亼銆乁鍊ゃ仺銇椼仸鍙傜収銇曘倢銈嬨 |
| 鍐瀵肩儹绯绘暟 | 鏉愭枡鐨勫鐑郴鏁帮紙U鍊硷級銆
浠呯幓鐠冪殑鍐瀵肩儹绯绘暟锛屽父浠鍊艰〃绀恒 |