Name | Type | Description |
Reference |
* |
| Bauteiltyp | Bezeichnung zur Zusammenfassung gleichartiger Bauteile zu einem Bauteiltyp (auch Konstruktionstyp genannt). Alternativ zum Namen des "Typobjekts", insbesondere wenn die Software keine Typen unterst眉tzt. |
| Reference | Reference ID for this specified type in this project (e.g. type 'A-1'), Also referred to as "construction type". It should be provided as an alternative to the name of the "object type", if the software does not support object types. |
| Reference | R茅f茅rence 脿 l'identifiant d'un type sp茅cifi茅 dans le contexte du projet (exemple : "type A1") pour d茅signer un "type de construction". Une alternative au nom d'un objet type lorsque les objets types ne sont pas g茅r茅s par le logiciel. |
| 鍙傜収瑷樺彿 | 銇撱伄銉椼儹銈搞偋銈儓銇亰銇戙倠鍙傜収瑷樺彿(渚嬶細A-1)銆傚垎椤炪偝銉笺儔銇с伅銇亸鍐呴儴銇т娇鐢ㄣ仌銈屻倠銉椼儹銈搞偋銈儓銈裤偆銉椼仺銇椼仸浣跨敤銇曘倢銈嬨倐銇 |
| 鍙傝冨彿 | 鑻ユ湭閲囩敤宸茬煡鐨勫垎绫荤郴缁燂紝鍒欒灞炴т负璇ラ」鐩腑璇ョ被鍨嬫瀯浠剁殑鍙傝冪紪鍙凤紙渚嬪锛岀被鍨婣-1锛夈 |
Status |
PEnum_ElementStatus* |
| Status | Status bzw. Phase des Bauteils insbesondere beim Bauen im Bestand. "Neu" (new) neues Bauteil als Erg盲nzung, "Bestand" (existing) bestehendes Bauteil, dass erhalten bleibt, "Abbruch" (demolish) Bauteil, das abgebrochen wird, "Tempor盲r" (temporary) Bauteil und andere Bauelemente, die vor眉bergehend eingebaut werden (wie Abst眉tzungen, etc.) |
| Status | Status of the element, predominately used in renovation or retrofitting projects. The status can be assigned to as "New" - element designed as new addition, "Existing" - element exists and remains, "Demolish" - element existed but is to be demolished, "Temporary" - element will exists only temporary (like a temporary support structure). |
| Statut | Statut de l'茅l茅ment, principalement utilis茅 dans les projets de r茅novation et de r茅habilitation. Le statut a pour valeur NOUVEAU pour un nouvel 茅l茅ment, EXISTANT pour un 茅l茅ment existant qui est conserv茅, DEMOLI pour un 茅l茅ment existant 脿 d茅molir et TEMPORAIRE pour un 茅l茅ment temporaire (comme une structure support provisoire). |
| 鐘舵厠 | 瑕佺礌锛堜富銇儶銉庛儥銉笺偡銉с兂銇俱仧銇敼淇儣銉偢銈с偗銉堛伀銇娿亜銇︼級銇姸鎱嬨 鐘舵厠銇併屾柊瑕(New)銆嶏紞鏂般仐銇忚拷鍔犮仌銈屻倠瑕佺礌銆傘屾棦瀛樸嶏紞瑕佺礌銇瓨鍦ㄣ仐銆併亱銇ゆ畫銈娿倐銇傘岀牬澹娿嶏紞瑕佺礌銇瓨鍦ㄣ仐銇熴亴銆佸粌妫勩仌銈屻倠銈傘伄銆傘屼竴鏅傜殑銆嶏紞涓鏅傜殑銇瓨鍦ㄣ仚銈嬭绱狅紙涓鏅傜殑銇偟銉濄兗銉堛仐銇︺亜銈嬫閫犮伄銈堛亞銇倐銇級銆 |
ContributedLuminousFlux |
| Contributed Luminous Flux | Luminous flux is a photometric measure of radiant flux, i.e. the volume of light emitted from a light source. Luminous flux is measured either for the interior as a whole or for a part of the interior (partial luminous flux for a solid angle). All other photometric parameters are derivatives of luminous flux. Luminous flux is measured in lumens (lm). The luminous flux is given as a nominal value for each lamp. |
| 鍏夋潫 | 鍏夋潫銇斁灏勬潫銈掑厜搴︽脯瀹氥仐銇熴倐銇仹銆併仧銇ㄣ亪銇般佸厜婧愩亱銈夈伄鐧哄厜銇噺銇с亗銈嬨傚厜鏉熴伅鍏ㄥ鍐呫併伨銇熴伅瀹ゅ唴銇竴閮紙绔嬩綋瑙掋伄閮ㄥ垎鐨勩仾鍏夋潫锛夈仹瑷堟脯銇欍倠銆
鍏ㄣ仸銇厜搴︽脯瀹氥伄闋呯洰銇珮閫熴伄娲剧敓銇с亗銈嬨傚厜鏉熴伅鍗樹綅銉兗銉°兂銇ц▓銈夈倢銈嬨傚厜鏉熴伅鍚勩儵銉炽儣銇嬨倝銇ゃ仹涓庛亪銈夈倢銈嬨 |
LightEmitterNominalPower |
| Light Emitter Nominal Power | Light emitter nominal power. |
| 鐓ф槑鍣ㄥ叿銉儍銉堟暟 | 鐧哄厜銇欍倠銇熴倎銇畾鏍笺儻銉冦儓鏁 |
LampMaintenanceFactor |
| Lamp Maintenance Factor | Non recoverable losses of luminous flux of a lamp due to lamp depreciation; i.e. the decreasing of light output of a luminaire due to aging and dirt. |
| 淇濆畧鐜 | 鍥炲京涓嶅彲鑳姐仾鍏夐噺娓涘皯銇屽師鍥犮伄鍏夋簮鑷綋銇厜鏉熴伄浣庝笅銆併仧銇ㄣ亪銇扮収鏄庡櫒鍏枫伄鑰佹溄鍖栥倓姹氥倢銇倛銈嬪厜閲忋伄娓涘皯銆 |
LampBallastType |
PEnum_LampBallastType |
| Lamp Ballast Type | The type of ballast used to stabilise gas discharge by limiting the current during operation and to deliver the necessary striking voltage for starting. Ballasts are needed to operate Discharge Lamps such as Fluorescent, Compact Fluorescent, High-pressure Mercury, Metal Halide and High-pressure Sodium Lamps.
Magnetic ballasts are chokes which limit the current passing through a lamp connected in series on the principle of self-induction. The resultant current and power are decisive for the efficient operation of the lamp. A specially designed ballast is required for every type of lamp to comply with lamp rating in terms of Luminous Flux, Color Appearance and service life. The two types of magnetic ballasts for fluorescent lamps are KVG Conventional (EC-A series) and VVG Low-loss ballasts (EC-B series). Low-loss ballasts have a higher efficiency, which means reduced ballast losses and a lower thermal load. Electronic ballasts are used to run fluorescent lamps at high frequencies (approx. 35 - 40 kHz). |
| 瀹夊畾鏈熴伄銈裤偆銉 | 瀹夊畾鍣ㄣ伅浣跨敤涓伄閬庨浕娴併倰鎶戙亪銆佽泹鍏夈儵銉炽儣銇捣鍕曘伀蹇呰銇珮銇勯浕鍦с倰渚涚郸銇椼併偓銈规斁闆汇倰瀹夊畾銇曘仜銈嬨傚畨瀹氬櫒銇泹鍏夌伅銆佹按閵鐏併儭銈裤儷銉忋儵銈ゃ儔銉┿兂銉椼侀珮鍦с儕銉堛儶銈︺儬銉┿兂銉楃瓑銇斁闆荤伅浣跨敤銇欍倠鏅傘伀蹇呰銇ㄣ仾銈嬨
鐪侀浕鍔涘瀷瀹夊畾鍣ㄣ伅鍏夊姽鐜囥仹銆佸畨瀹氬櫒銇с伄鎼嶅け銇綆娓涘強銇充綆鐔辫矤鑽枫伀銇仯銇︺亜銈嬨傞浕瀛愬紡瀹夊畾鍣ㄣ伅铔嶅厜鐏倰楂樺懆娉€仹瀹夊畾鐨勩伀鐐圭伅銇曘仜銈嬨 |
LampCompensationType |
PEnum_LampCompensationType |
| Lamp Compensation Type | Identifies the form of compensation used for power factor correction and radio suppression. |
| 銉┿兂銉楄姝 | 鍔涚巼銇敼鍠勩仺楂樿娉€伄鎶戝埗銇仧銈併伀浣跨敤銇曘倢銈嬭姝 |
ColorAppearance |
| Color Appearance | In both the DIN and CIE standards, artificial light sources are classified in terms of their color appearance. To the human eye they all appear to be white; the difference can only be detected by direct comparison. Visual performance is not directly affected by differences in color appearance. |
| 鑹层伄瑕嬨亪鏂 | DIN锛堛儔銈ゃ儎瑕忔牸鍗斾細锛夈仺CIE锛堝浗闅涚収鏄庡鍝′細锛夈伄涓℃柟銇鏍笺仹銆佷汉宸ョ収鏄庛伅鑹层伄瑕嬨亪鏂广仹鍒嗛銇曘倢銈嬨
浜恒伄鐩伀銇叏銇︾櫧銇忚銇堛仸銇忋倠銆併仢銇樊鐣般伅鐩存帴姣旇純銇欍倠銇撱仺銇倛銈婂垽鍒ャ仚銈嬨亾銇ㄣ亴鍙兘銇с亗銈嬨傝姗熻兘銇壊銇銇堟柟銇樊鐣般伀鐩存帴褰遍熆銇仐銇亜銆 |
Spectrum |
| Spectrum | The spectrum of radiation describes its composition with regard to wavelength. Light, for example, as the portion of electromagnetic radiation that is visible to the human eye, is radiation with wavelengths in the range of approx. 380 to 780 nm (1 nm = 10 m). The corresponding range of colours varies from violet to indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange, and red. These colours form a continuous spectrum, in which the various spectral sectors merge into each other. |
| 娉㈤暦鍩 | 娉㈤暦銈掕冩叜銇椼仸鍚堟垚銇欍倠銇撱仺銈掓斁灏勩偣銉氥偗銉堛儷銇ц〃鐝俱仚銈嬨
鑹层伄澶夊寲銇传銇嬨倝钘嶈壊銆侀潚銆佺窇銆侀粍鑹层併偑銉兂銈搞佽丹銇瘎鍥层伀鐩稿綋銇欍倠銆傘亾銈屻倝銇壊銇g稓銇欍倠娉㈤暦銇с併亰浜掋亜銇悎鎴愩仐銇熸尝闀烽牁鍩熴仹銇傘倠銆 |
ColorTemperature |
| Color Temperature | The color temperature of any source of radiation is defined as the temperature (in Kelvin) of a black-body or Planckian radiator whose radiation has the same chromaticity as the source of radiation. Often the values are only approximate color temperatures as the black-body radiator cannot emit radiation of every chromaticity value. The color temperatures of the commonest artificial light sources range from less than 3000K (warm white) to 4000K (intermediate) and over 5000K (daylight). |
| 鑹叉俯搴 | 鏀惧皠婧愩伄鑹叉俯搴︺伅榛掍綋銆併伨銇熴伅瀹屽叏鏀惧皠浣撱伄鑹叉俯搴︺伀銇﹀畾缇┿仌銈屻佷笌銇堛倝銈屻仧鏀惧皠銇壊搴︺仺绛夈仐銇勯粧浣撱伄娓╁害銇亾銇ㄣ備笌銇堛倝銈屻仧鏀惧皠銇壊搴︺亴榛掍綋鏀惧皠杌岃贰涓娿伀銇亜鍫村悎銇佺浉瀵惧垎鍏夊垎甯冦倰榛掍綋鏀惧皠銇繎浼笺仚銈嬨傛渶銈備竴鑸殑銇汉宸ュ厜婧愩伄鑹叉俯搴︺伄绡勫洸銇3000K浠ヤ笅锛堟殩鐧斤級銇嬨倝4000K锛堜腑闁擄級銇с5000k浠ヤ笂銇樇鍏夈 |
ColorRenderingIndex |
| Color Rendering Index | The CRI indicates how well a light source renders eight standard colors compared to perfect reference lamp with the same color temperature. The CRI scale ranges from 1 to 100, with 100 representing perfect rendering properties. |
| 婕旇壊瑭曚尽鏁 | 鍚屻仒鑹叉俯搴︺伄鍩烘簴鍏夋簮銇с佽瀹氥仌銈屻仧8鑹层伄瑭﹂〒鑹茬エ銇с伄鍏夋簮銇倛銈嬭壊褰┿伄鍐嶈〃鐝俱倰姣旇純銇欍倠銆侰RI銇⿻渚°偣銈便兗銉伅1锝100銇с佸熀婧栧厜婧愩伄鍫村悎銈100銇ㄣ仚銈嬨 |