

Natural language names
Protective Device Tripping Curve

buildingSMART Data Dictionary


TrippingCurveType P_ENUMERATEDVALUE / IfcLabel / PEnum_TrippingCurveType
Tripping Curve TypeThe type of tripping curve that is represented by the property set.
TrippingCurve P_TABLEVALUE / IfcElectricCurrentMeasure / IfcTimeMeasure
Tripping CurveA curve that establishes the release time of a tripping unit when a particular prospective current is applied. Note that the tripping curve is defined within a Cartesian coordinate system and this fact must be asserted within the property set: (1) Defining value is the Prospective Current which is a list of minimum 2 and maximum 16 numbers providing the currents in [x In] for points in the current/time log/log coordinate space. The curve is drawn as a straight line between two consecutive points. (2) Defined value is a list of minimum 2 and maximum 16 numbers providing the release_time in [s] for points in the current/time log/log coordinate space. The curve is drawn as a straight line between two consecutive points. Note that a defined interpolation.
鍕曚綔鐗规ф洸绶(1)闆绘祦/鏅傞枔銇綅缃甗x In]銇хず銇曘倢銈2锝16銇兂瀹氥仌銈屻倠闆绘祦鍊ゃ倰瀹氱京銇欍倠銆 (2)瀹氱京銇曘倢銇熷ゃ伅銆侀浕娴/鏅傞枔銇綅缃甗锝揮銇хず銇曘倢銈2锝16銇兂瀹氥仌銈屻倠鏀鹃浕鏅傞枔銆

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