Pset_EnvironmentalEmissions Semantic definition
Property set for the application of energy emissions produced by facility and physical elements. Applicable entities
- IfcDistributionElement
- IfcDistributionElementType
- IfcTransportationDevice
- IfcTransportationDeviceType
- IfcDistributionElementType
- IfcDistributionElement
- IfcTransportationDeviceType
- IfcTransportationDevice Properties
Name | Property Type | Data Type | Description | |
CarbonDioxideEmissions | IfcPropertySingleValue | IfcMassFlowRateMeasure |
Rate of emission of carbon dioxide |
SulphurDioxideEmissions | IfcPropertySingleValue | IfcMassFlowRateMeasure |
Rate of emission of sulphur dioxide |
NitrogenOxidesEmissions | IfcPropertySingleValue | IfcMassFlowRateMeasure |
Rate of emission of nitrogen oxides |
ParticulateMatterEmissions | IfcPropertySingleValue | IfcMassFlowRateMeasure |
Rate of emission of particulate matter |
NoiseEmissions | IfcPropertySingleValue | IfcSoundPowerLevelMeasure |
Level of sound emission |