IFC (IFC4X3) final

4.5.1 Control Flow

Control elements (such as sensors) that monitor or control behavior of flow elements (such as valves) use this relationship to indicate control flow logical behavior.

The following diagram shows the generic classes and relationships used when applying this concept. In addition, concepts may have particular importance to common or standardised industry practices and scenarios. For these specific usage scenarios, the tables below shows a recommended list of general usage patterns that users may adopt.

G IfcDistributionControlElement IfcDistributionControlElement GlobalId [1:1] OwnerHistory [0:1] Name [0:1] Description [0:1] HasAssignments [0:?] Nests [0:1] IsNestedBy [0:?] HasContext [0:1] IsDecomposedBy [0:?] Decomposes [0:1] HasAssociations [0:?] ObjectType [0:1] IsDeclaredBy [0:1] Declares [0:?] IsTypedBy [0:1] IsDefinedBy [0:?] ObjectPlacement [0:1] Representation [0:1] ReferencedBy [0:?] PositionedRelativeTo [0:?] ReferencedInStructures [0:?] Tag [0:1] FillsVoids [0:1] ConnectedTo [0:?] IsInterferedByElements [0:?] InterferesElements [0:?] HasProjections [0:?] HasOpenings [0:?] IsConnectionRealization [0:?] ProvidesBoundaries [0:?] ConnectedFrom [0:?] ContainedInStructure [0:1] HasCoverings [0:?] HasSurfaceFeatures [0:?] HasPorts [0:?] AssignedToFlowElement [0:1] IfcRelFlowControlElements IfcRelFlowControlElements GlobalId [1:1] OwnerHistory [0:1] Name [0:1] Description [0:1] RelatedControlElements [1:?] Type RelatingFlowElement [1:1] IfcDistributionControlElement:AssignedToFlowElement1->IfcRelFlowControlElements:RelatedControlElements0 IfcDistributionFlowElement IfcDistributionFlowElement GlobalId [1:1] OwnerHistory [0:1] Name [0:1] Description [0:1] HasAssignments [0:?] Nests [0:1] IsNestedBy [0:?] HasContext [0:1] IsDecomposedBy [0:?] Decomposes [0:1] HasAssociations [0:?] ObjectType [0:1] IsDeclaredBy [0:1] Declares [0:?] IsTypedBy [0:1] IsDefinedBy [0:?] ObjectPlacement [0:1] Representation [0:1] ReferencedBy [0:?] PositionedRelativeTo [0:?] ReferencedInStructures [0:?] Tag [0:1] FillsVoids [0:1] ConnectedTo [0:?] IsInterferedByElements [0:?] InterferesElements [0:?] HasProjections [0:?] HasOpenings [0:?] IsConnectionRealization [0:?] ProvidesBoundaries [0:?] ConnectedFrom [0:?] ContainedInStructure [0:1] HasCoverings [0:?] HasSurfaceFeatures [0:?] HasPorts [0:?] HasControlElements [0:1] IfcRelFlowControlElements:RelatingFlowElement1->IfcDistributionFlowElement:IfcDistributionFlowElement0
Figure 4.5.1.A

General Usage

IfcActuator IfcFlowController
IfcSensor IfcDistributionFlowElement
Table 4.5.1.B