8.9 IfcGeometryResource
8.9.1 Schema definition
The schema IfcGeometryResource defines the resources used for geometric representations. The primary application of this resource is for representation of the shape or geometric form of an element. The geometric representation items defined here are also used to describe geometric models within the schema IfcGeometricModelResource.
The following is within the scope of the geometry resource:
- definition of points directly by their coordinate values and by parameter values on curves and surfaces
- definition of directions, vectors, and axis placements
- definition of transformation operators, both uniform and non-uniform
- definition of parametric curves
- definition of conic curves
- definition of curves defined on a parametric surface
- definition of offset curves
- definition of elementary surfaces
- definition of swept surfaces
- definition of parametric spline curves and surfaces
- definition of mapped items mapping source representations using transformation operators
8.9.2 Types
- IfcArcIndex
- IfcAxis2Placement
- IfcBSplineCurveForm
- IfcBSplineSurfaceForm
- IfcCurveMeasureSelect
- IfcCurveOnSurface
- IfcDimensionCount
- IfcKnotType
- IfcLineIndex
- IfcPreferredSurfaceCurveRepresentation
- IfcSegmentIndexSelect
- IfcTransitionCode
- IfcTrimmingPreference
- IfcTrimmingSelect
- IfcVectorOrDirection
8.9.3 Entities
- IfcAxis1Placement
- IfcAxis2Placement2D
- IfcAxis2Placement3D
- IfcAxis2PlacementLinear
- IfcBSplineCurve
- IfcBSplineCurveWithKnots
- IfcBSplineSurface
- IfcBSplineSurfaceWithKnots
- IfcBoundaryCurve
- IfcBoundedCurve
- IfcBoundedSurface
- IfcCartesianPoint
- IfcCartesianTransformationOperator
- IfcCartesianTransformationOperator2D
- IfcCartesianTransformationOperator2DnonUniform
- IfcCartesianTransformationOperator3D
- IfcCartesianTransformationOperator3DnonUniform
- IfcCircle
- IfcClothoid
- IfcCompositeCurve
- IfcCompositeCurveOnSurface
- IfcCompositeCurveSegment
- IfcConic
- IfcCosineSpiral
- IfcCurve
- IfcCurveBoundedPlane
- IfcCurveBoundedSurface
- IfcCurveSegment
- IfcCylindricalSurface
- IfcDirection
- IfcDirectrixCurveSweptAreaSolid
- IfcElementarySurface
- IfcEllipse
- IfcGeometricRepresentationItem
- IfcGradientCurve
- IfcIndexedPolyCurve
- IfcIntersectionCurve
- IfcLine
- IfcMappedItem
- IfcOffsetCurve
- IfcOffsetCurve2D
- IfcOffsetCurve3D
- IfcOffsetCurveByDistances
- IfcOuterBoundaryCurve
- IfcPcurve
- IfcPlacement
- IfcPlane
- IfcPoint
- IfcPointByDistanceExpression
- IfcPointOnCurve
- IfcPointOnSurface
- IfcPolyline
- IfcPolynomialCurve
- IfcRationalBSplineCurveWithKnots
- IfcRationalBSplineSurfaceWithKnots
- IfcRectangularTrimmedSurface
- IfcReparametrisedCompositeCurveSegment
- IfcRepresentationItem
- IfcRepresentationMap
- IfcSeamCurve
- IfcSecondOrderPolynomialSpiral
- IfcSegment
- IfcSegmentedReferenceCurve
- IfcSeventhOrderPolynomialSpiral
- IfcSineSpiral
- IfcSphericalSurface
- IfcSpiral
- IfcSurface
- IfcSurfaceCurve
- IfcSurfaceOfLinearExtrusion
- IfcSurfaceOfRevolution
- IfcSweptSurface
- IfcThirdOrderPolynomialSpiral
- IfcToroidalSurface
- IfcTrimmedCurve
- IfcVector
8.9.4 Property Sets
No resources are available in this category.
8.9.5 Quantity Sets
No resources are available in this category.
8.9.6 Functions
- IfcAssociatedSurface
- IfcBaseAxis
- IfcBuild2Axes
- IfcBuildAxes
- IfcConsecutiveSegments
- IfcConstraintsParamBSpline
- IfcCrossProduct
- IfcCurveDim
- IfcCurveWeightsPositive
- IfcDotProduct
- IfcFirstProjAxis
- IfcGetBasisSurface
- IfcGradient
- IfcListToArray
- IfcMakeArrayOfArray
- IfcNormalise
- IfcOrthogonalComplement
- IfcSameAxis2Placement
- IfcSameCartesianPoint
- IfcSameDirection
- IfcSameValue
- IfcScalarTimesVector
- IfcSecondProjAxis
- IfcSurfaceWeightsPositive
- IfcVectorDifference
- IfcVectorSum
8.9.7 Rules
No resources are available in this category.
8.9.8 PropertyEnumerations
No resources are available in this category.