IFC (IFC4X3) final

4.8.3 Product Geometry Layer

The following diagram shows the generic classes and relationships used when applying this concept. In addition, concepts may have particular importance to common or standardised industry practices and scenarios. For these specific usage scenarios, the tables below shows a recommended list of general usage patterns that users may adopt.

G IfcProduct IfcProduct GlobalId [1:1] OwnerHistory [0:1] Name [0:1] Description [0:1] HasAssignments [0:?] Nests [0:1] IsNestedBy [0:?] HasContext [0:1] IsDecomposedBy [0:?] Decomposes [0:1] HasAssociations [0:?] ObjectType [0:1] IsDeclaredBy [0:1] Declares [0:?] IsTypedBy [0:1] IsDefinedBy [0:?] ObjectPlacement [0:1] Representation [0:1] ReferencedBy [0:?] PositionedRelativeTo [0:?] ReferencedInStructures [0:?] IfcProductDefinitionShape IfcProductDefinitionShape Name [0:1] Description [0:1] Representations [1:?] ShapeOfProduct [1:?] HasShapeAspects [0:?] IfcProduct:Representation1->IfcProductDefinitionShape:IfcProductDefinitionShape0 IfcShapeRepresentation IfcShapeRepresentation ContextOfItems [1:1] RepresentationIdentifier [0:1] RepresentationType [0:1] Items [1:?] RepresentationMap [0:1] LayerAssignments [0:?] OfProductRepresentation [0:?] OfShapeAspect [0:1] IfcProductDefinitionShape:Representations1->IfcShapeRepresentation:IfcShapeRepresentation0 IfcPresentationLayerAssignment IfcPresentationLayerAssignment Name [1:1] Description [0:1] AssignedItems [1:?] Identifier [0:1] IfcShapeRepresentation:LayerAssignments1->IfcPresentationLayerAssignment:AssignedItems0 Layer Layer IfcPresentationLayerAssignment->Layer
Figure 4.8.3.A

General Usage

Table 4.8.3.B