
Natural language names
deEinfügepunkt mit zwei Achsen - dreidimensionaler Raum (3D)
enAxis2 Placement3 D
Semantic definitions at the entity
Entity definition

The IfcAxis2Placement3D provides location and orientations to place items in a three-dimensional space. The attribute Axis defines the Z direction, RefDirection the X direction. The Y direction is derived.

NOTE  The RefDirection does not have to be orthogonal to Axis.

If the attribute values for Axis and RefDirection are not given, the placement defaults to P[1] (x-axis) as [1.,0.,0.], P[2] (y-axis) as [0.,1.,0.] and P[3] (z-axis) as [0.,0.,1.].

axis2 placement 2D
Figure 338 illustrates the definition of the IfcAxis2Placement3D within the three-dimensional coordinate system.

Figure 338 — Axis2 placement 3D

NOTE  Definition according to ISO/CD 10303-42:1992
The location and orientation in three dimensional space of three mutually perpendicular axes. An axis2_placement_3D is defined in terms of a point (inherited from placement supertype) and two (ideally orthogonal) axes. It can be used to locate and orientate a non axi-symmetric object in space and to define a placement coordinate system. The entity includes a point which forms the origin of the placement coordinate system. Two direction vectors are required to complete the definition of the placement coordinate system. The axis is the placement Z axis direction and the ref_direction is an approximation to the placement X axis direction.
NOTE  Entity adapted from axis2_placement_3d defined in ISO10303-42.
HISTORY  New entity in IFC1.5.
Attribute definitions
#AttributeTypeCardinalityDescription C
2AxisIfcDirection[0:1] The exact direction of the local Z Axis.X
3RefDirectionIfcDirection[0:1] The direction used to determine the direction of the local X Axis. If necessary an adjustment is made to maintain orthogonality to the Axis direction. If Axis and/or RefDirection is omitted, these directions are taken from the geometric coordinate system.X
:=IfcBuildAxes(Axis, RefDirection)
IfcDirectionL[3:3]The normalized directions of the placement X Axis (P[1]) and the placement Y Axis (P[2]) and the placement Z Axis (P[3]). X
Formal Propositions
LocationIs3DThe dimensionality of the placement location shall be 3.
AxisIs3DThe Axis when given should only reference a three-dimensional IfcDirection.
RefDirIs3DThe RefDirection when given should only reference a three-dimensional IfcDirection.
AxisToRefDirPositionThe Axis and RefDirection shall not be parallel or anti-parallel.
AxisAndRefDirProvisionEither both, Axis and RefDirection are not given and therefore defaulted, or both shall be given.
Inherited definitions from supertypes
Entity inheritance IfcPlacement IfcGeometricRepresentationItem IfcRepresentationItem
Attribute inheritance
S[0:1]Assignment of the representation item to a single or multiple layer(s). The LayerAssignments can override a LayerAssignments of the IfcRepresentation it is used within the list of Items. X
S[0:1]Reference to the IfcStyledItem that provides presentation information to the representation, e.g. a curve style, including colour and thickness to a geometric curve. X
1LocationIfcCartesianPoint[1:1] The geometric position of a reference point, such as the center of a circle, of the item to be located.X
IfcDimensionCount[1:1]The space dimensionality of this class, derived from the dimensionality of the location. X
2AxisIfcDirection[0:1] The exact direction of the local Z Axis.X
3RefDirectionIfcDirection[0:1] The direction used to determine the direction of the local X Axis. If necessary an adjustment is made to maintain orthogonality to the Axis direction. If Axis and/or RefDirection is omitted, these directions are taken from the geometric coordinate system.X
:=IfcBuildAxes(Axis, RefDirection)
IfcDirectionL[3:3]The normalized directions of the placement X Axis (P[1]) and the placement Y Axis (P[2]) and the placement Z Axis (P[3]). X
Formal representations
XSD Specification
 <xs:element name="IfcAxis2Placement3D" type="ifc:IfcAxis2Placement3D" substitutionGroup="ifc:IfcPlacement" nillable="true"/>
 <xs:complexType name="IfcAxis2Placement3D">
   <xs:extension base="ifc:IfcPlacement">
     <xs:element name="Axis" type="ifc:IfcDirection" nillable="true" minOccurs="0"/>
     <xs:element name="RefDirection" type="ifc:IfcDirection" nillable="true" minOccurs="0"/>
EXPRESS Specification
ENTITY IfcAxis2Placement3D
 SUBTYPE OF (IfcPlacement);
  Axis : OPTIONAL IfcDirection;
  RefDirection : OPTIONAL IfcDirection;
  P : LIST [3:3] OF IfcDirection := IfcBuildAxes(Axis, RefDirection);
  LocationIs3D : SELF\IfcPlacement.Location.Dim = 3;
  AxisIs3D : (NOT (EXISTS (Axis))) OR (Axis.Dim = 3);
  RefDirIs3D : (NOT (EXISTS (RefDirection))) OR (RefDirection.Dim = 3);
  AxisToRefDirPosition : (NOT (EXISTS (Axis))) OR (NOT (EXISTS (RefDirection))) OR (IfcCrossProduct(Axis,RefDirection).Magnitude > 0.0);
  AxisAndRefDirProvision : NOT ((EXISTS (Axis)) XOR (EXISTS (RefDirection)));

Link to EXPRESS-G diagram EXPRESS-G diagram

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