![]() | Polylinie |
![]() | Polyline |
![]() | Polyligne |
The IfcPolyline is a bounded curve with only linear segments defined by a list of Cartesian points. If the first and the last Cartesian point in the list are identical, then the polyline is a closed curve, otherwise it is an open curve.
EXAMPLE Figure 346 illustrates a bounded IfcPolyline and shows the parametric length of each segment and of the total polyline.
![]() |
Figure 346 — Bounded IfcPolyline with parametric length |
NOTE Definition according to ISO/CD 10303-42:1992
A polyline is a bounded curve of n - 1 linear segments, defined by a list of n points, P1, P2 ... Pn. The ith segment of the curve is parameterized as follows:where i - 1 ≤ u ≤ i and with parametric range of 0 <≤ u ≤ n - 1.for 1 ≤ i ≤ n - 1
NOTE Entity adapted from polyline in ISO 10303-42.
HISTORY New entity in IFC1.0
# | Attribute | Type | Cardinality | Description | C |
1 | Points | IfcCartesianPoint | L[2:?] | The points defining the polyline. | X |
Rule | Description |
SameDim | The space dimensionality of all Points shall be the same. |
# | Attribute | Type | Cardinality | Description | C |
IfcRepresentationItem | |||||
LayerAssignment | IfcPresentationLayerAssignment @AssignedItems | S[0:1] | Assignment of the representation item to a single or multiple layer(s). The LayerAssignments can override a LayerAssignments of the IfcRepresentation it is used within the list of Items. | X | |
StyledByItem | IfcStyledItem @Item | S[0:1] | Reference to the IfcStyledItem that provides presentation information to the representation, e.g. a curve style, including colour and thickness to a geometric curve. | X | |
IfcGeometricRepresentationItem | |||||
IfcCurve | |||||
Dim :=IfcCurveDim(SELF) | IfcDimensionCount | [1:1] | The space dimensionality of this abstract class, defined differently for all subtypes, i.e. for IfcLine, IfcConic and IfcBoundedCurve. | X | |
IfcBoundedCurve | |||||
IfcPolyline | |||||
1 | Points | IfcCartesianPoint | L[2:?] | The points defining the polyline. | X |
<xs:element name="IfcPolyline" type="ifc:IfcPolyline" substitutionGroup="ifc:IfcBoundedCurve" nillable="true"/>
<xs:complexType name="IfcPolyline">
<xs:extension base="ifc:IfcBoundedCurve">
<xs:element name="Points">
<xs:element ref="ifc:IfcCartesianPoint" minOccurs="2" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:attribute ref="ifc:itemType" fixed="ifc:IfcCartesianPoint"/>
<xs:attribute ref="ifc:cType" fixed="list"/>
<xs:attribute ref="ifc:arraySize" use="optional"/>
ENTITY IfcPolyline
SUBTYPE OF (IfcBoundedCurve);
Points : LIST [2:?] OF IfcCartesianPoint;
SameDim : SIZEOF(QUERY(Temp <* Points | Temp.Dim <> Points[1].Dim)) = 0;