
Natural language names
enMedical Device Type Enum
frEnumération des types d'équipement médical
Change log
IFC2x3 to IFC4
Semantic definitions at the type
Type definition

Enumeration defining the functional type of medical device.

HISTORY  New enumeration in IFC4.
Enumeration definition
AIRSTATIONDevice that provides purified medical air, composed of an air compressor and air treatment line.
FEEDAIRUNITDevice that feeds air to an oxygen generator, composed of an air compressor, air treatment line, and an air receiver.
OXYGENGENERATORDevice that generates oxygen from air.
OXYGENPLANTDevice that combines a feed air unit, oxygen generator, and backup oxygen cylinders.
VACUUMSTATIONDevice that provides suction, composed of a vacuum pump and bacterial filtration line.
USERDEFINEDUser-defined medical device type.
NOTDEFINEDUndefined medical device type.
Formal representations
XSD Specification
 <xs:simpleType name="IfcMedicalDeviceTypeEnum">
  <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
   <xs:enumeration value="airstation"/>
   <xs:enumeration value="feedairunit"/>
   <xs:enumeration value="oxygengenerator"/>
   <xs:enumeration value="oxygenplant"/>
   <xs:enumeration value="vacuumstation"/>
   <xs:enumeration value="userdefined"/>
   <xs:enumeration value="notdefined"/>
EXPRESS Specification
TYPE IfcMedicalDeviceTypeEnum = ENUMERATION OF (

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