

Evaporative Cooler Type Common: Evaporative cooler type common attributes. Sound attribute deleted in IFC2x2 Pset Addendum: Use IfcSoundProperties instead. WaterRequirement attribute unit type modified in IFC2x2 Pset Addendum.
: 蒸発冷却器共通属性を設定 Sound属性がIFC2x2 psetの付録で削除された:IfcSoundPropertiesを代わりに使用します。 WaterRequirement属性ユニットタイプはIFC2x2 psetの付録で変更された。

buildingSMART Data Dictionary


Reference P_SINGLEVALUE / IfcIdentifier
ReferenceReference ID for this specified type in this project (e.g. type 'A-1').
Status P_ENUMERATEDVALUE / IfcLabel / PEnum_ElementStatus
StatusStatus of the element, predominately used in renovation or retrofitting projects. The status can be assigned to as "New" - element designed as new addition, "Existing" - element exists and remains, "Demolish" - element existed but is to be demolished, "Temporary" - element will exists only temporary (like a temporary support structure).
状態要素(主にリノベーションまたは改修プロジェクトにおいて)の状態。 状態は、「新規(New)」-新しく追加される要素。「既存」-要素は存在し、かつ残りもの。「破壊」-要素は存在したが、廃棄されるもの。「一時的」-一時的に存在する要素(一時的にサポートしている構造のようなもの)。
FlowArrangement P_ENUMERATEDVALUE / IfcLabel / PEnum_EvaporativeCoolerFlowArrangement
Flow ArrangementCounterFlow: Air and water flow enter in different directions. CrossFlow: Air and water flow are perpendicular. ParallelFlow: Air and water flow enter in same directions.
流れ種類カウンタフロー:空気と水の流れが逆方向で入る クロスフロー:空気と「水の流れが垂直 平行流:空気と水の流れが同じ方向で入る
HeatExchangeArea P_SINGLEVALUE / IfcAreaMeasure
Heat Exchange AreaHeat exchange area.
OperationTemperatureRange P_BOUNDEDVALUE / IfcThermodynamicTemperatureMeasure
Operation Temperature RangeAllowable operation ambient air temperature range.
WaterRequirement P_SINGLEVALUE / IfcVolumetricFlowRateMeasure
Water RequirementMake-up water requirement.
EffectivenessTable P_TABLEVALUE / IfcVolumetricFlowRateMeasure / IfcReal
Effectiveness TableTotal heat transfer effectiveness curve as a function of the primary air flow rate.
AirPressureDropCurve P_TABLEVALUE / IfcVolumetricFlowRateMeasure / IfcPressureMeasure
Air Pressure Drop CurveAir pressure drop as function of air flow rate.
WaterPressDropCurve P_TABLEVALUE / IfcVolumetricFlowRateMeasure / IfcPressureMeasure
Water Press Drop CurveWater pressure drop as function of water flow rate.

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