
Natural language names
deWeist Produkt zu - Relation
enRel Assigns To Product
frAssignation à produit
Change log
IFC2x3 to IFC4
      OwnerHistoryMODIFIEDInstantiation changed to OPTIONAL.
      RelatingProductMODIFIEDType changed from IfcProduct to IfcProductSelect.
Semantic definitions at the entity
Entity definition

The objectified relationship IfcRelAssignsToProduct handles the assignment of objects (subtypes of IfcObject) to a product (subtypes of IfcProduct). The Name attribute should be used to classify the usage of the IfcRelAssignsToProduct objectified relationship. The following Name values are proposed:

HISTORY  New entity in IFC2x
IFC2x3 CHANGE  The reference of a product within a spatial structure is now handled by a new relationship object IfcRelReferencedInSpatialStructure. The IfcRelAssignsToProduct shall not be used to represent this relation from IFC2x3 onwards.
Attribute definitions
#AttributeTypeCardinalityDescription C
7RelatingProductIfcProductSelect[1:1] Reference to the product or product type to which the objects are assigned to. X
Formal Propositions
NoSelfReferenceThe instance to which the relation points, as provided by RelatingProduct shall not be contained in the set of RelatedObjects.
Inherited definitions from supertypes
Entity inheritance IfcRelAssigns IfcRelationship IfcRoot
Attribute inheritance
1GlobalIdIfcGloballyUniqueId[1:1] Assignment of a globally unique identifier within the entire software world. X
2OwnerHistoryIfcOwnerHistory[0:1] Assignment of the information about the current ownership of that object, including owning actor, application, local identification and information captured about the recent changes of the object,
NOTE  only the last modification in stored - either as addition, deletion or modification.
3NameIfcLabel[0:1] Optional name for use by the participating software systems or users. For some subtypes of IfcRoot the insertion of the Name attribute may be required. This would be enforced by a where rule. X
4DescriptionIfcText[0:1] Optional description, provided for exchanging informative comments.X
5RelatedObjectsIfcObjectDefinitionS[1:?] Related objects, which are assigned to a single object. The type of the single (or relating) object is defined in the subtypes of IfcRelAssigns.X
6RelatedObjectsTypeIfcObjectTypeEnum[0:1] Particular type of the assignment relationship. It can constrain the applicable object types, used within the role of RelatedObjects. X
7RelatingProductIfcProductSelect[1:1] Reference to the product or product type to which the objects are assigned to. X
Definitions applying to Common Use Definitions

Concept inheritance

#ConceptModel View
Software IdentityCommon Use Definitions
Revision ControlCommon Use Definitions
Formal representations
XSD Specification
 <xs:element name="IfcRelAssignsToProduct" type="ifc:IfcRelAssignsToProduct" substitutionGroup="ifc:IfcRelAssigns" nillable="true"/>
 <xs:complexType name="IfcRelAssignsToProduct">
   <xs:extension base="ifc:IfcRelAssigns">
     <xs:element name="RelatingProduct">
       <xs:group ref="ifc:IfcProductSelect"/>
EXPRESS Specification
ENTITY IfcRelAssignsToProduct
 SUBTYPE OF (IfcRelAssigns);
  RelatingProduct : IfcProductSelect;
  NoSelfReference : SIZEOF(QUERY(Temp <* SELF\IfcRelAssigns.RelatedObjects | RelatingProduct :=: Temp)) = 0;

Link to EXPRESS-G diagram EXPRESS-G diagram

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