Body Clipping Geometry

The Body Clipping Geometry is the representation of the 3D shape of a product by using Constructive Solid Geometry models with difference operations involving half space solids only.

The following attribute values for the IfcShapeRepresentation holding this geometric representation shall be used:

NOTE  This representation type is predominately used for compatibility with previous releases of the standard.

Figure 82 illustrates an instance diagram.

Body Clipping GeometryIfcElementIfcProductDefinitionShapeIfcShapeRepresentationIfcGeometricRepresentationContextIfcLabelIfcLabelIfcBooleanClippingResultIfcBooleanOperatorIfcCsgPrimitive3DIfcSolidModelIfcBooleanClippingResultIfcHalfSpaceSolidIfcPolygonalBoundedHalfSpaceIfcPlaneIfcBooleanIfcAxis2Placement3DIfcIndexedPolyCurve

Figure 82 — Body Clipping Geometry

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