
Natural language names
Fan Type Enum
Enumération des types de ventilateur
Semantic definitions at the type
Type definition

Enumeration defining the typical types of fans.

HISTORY  New enumeration in IFC2x2.
Enumeration definition
CENTRIFUGALFORWARDCURVEDAir flows through the impeller radially using blades that are forward curved.
CENTRIFUGALRADIALAir flows through the impeller radially using blades that are uncurved or slightly forward curved.
CENTRIFUGALBACKWARDINCLINEDCURVEDAir flows through the impeller radially using blades that are backward curved.
CENTRIFUGALAIRFOILAir flows through the impeller radially using blades that are airfoil shaped.
TUBEAXIALAir flows through the impeller axially with guide vanes and reduced running blade tip clearance.
VANEAXIALAir flows through the impeller axially with guide vanes and reduced running blade tip clearance.
PROPELLORAXIALAir flows through the impeller axially and small hub-to-tip ratio impeller mounted in an orifice plate or inlet ring.
USERDEFINEDUser-defined fan type.
NOTDEFINEDUndefined fan type.
Formal representations
XML Specification
 <xs:simpleType name="IfcFanTypeEnum">
  <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
   <xs:enumeration value="centrifugalforwardcurved"/>
   <xs:enumeration value="centrifugalradial"/>
   <xs:enumeration value="centrifugalbackwardinclinedcurved"/>
   <xs:enumeration value="centrifugalairfoil"/>
   <xs:enumeration value="tubeaxial"/>
   <xs:enumeration value="vaneaxial"/>
   <xs:enumeration value="propelloraxial"/>
   <xs:enumeration value="userdefined"/>
   <xs:enumeration value="notdefined"/>
EXPRESS Specification

Link to EXPRESS-G diagram EXPRESS-G diagram

References  References: IfcFan IfcFanType

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