
Natural language names
Font Variant
Police normale ou en petites majuscules
Change log
IFC2x3 to IFC4
Semantic definitions at the type
Type definition

The IfcFontVariant type defines whether the normal or the small-caps faces within a font family shall be used. Values are:

NOTE  Definition according to Cascading Style Sheets, level 1
Another type of variation within a font family is the small-caps. In a small-caps font the lower case letters look similar to the uppercase ones, but in a smaller size and with slightly different proportions. The 'font-variant' property selects that font. A value of 'normal' selects a font that is not a small-caps font, 'small-caps' selects a small-caps font. It is acceptable (but not required) in CSS1 if the small-caps font is a created by taking a normal font and replacing the lower case letters by scaled uppercase characters. As a last resort, uppercase letters will be used as replacement for a small-caps font.
NOTE  Type adopted from font-variant defined in CSS-1.
HISTORY  New type in IFC2x3.
Formal Propositions
Formal representations
XML Specification
 <xs:simpleType name="IfcFontVariant">
  <xs:restriction base="xs:normalizedString"/>
EXPRESS Specification
TYPE IfcFontVariant = STRING;
  WR1 : SELF IN ['normal','small-caps']

Link to EXPRESS-G diagram EXPRESS-G diagram

References  References: IfcTextStyleFontModel

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