Name | Type | Description |
Reference |
* |
| Bauteiltyp | Bezeichnung zur Zusammenfassung gleichartiger Bauteile zu einem Bauteiltyp (auch Konstruktionstyp genannt). Alternativ zum Namen des "Typobjekts", insbesondere wenn die Software keine Typen unterst眉tzt. |
| Reference | Reference ID for this specified type in this project (e.g. type 'A-1'), Also referred to as "construction type". It should be provided as an alternative to the name of the "object type", if the software does not support object types. |
| Reference | R茅f茅rence 脿 l'identifiant d'un type sp茅cifi茅 dans le contexte du projet (exemple : "type A1") pour d茅signer un "type de construction". Une alternative au nom d'un objet type lorsque les objets types ne sont pas g茅r茅s par le logiciel. |
| 鍙傜収瑷樺彿 | 銇撱伄銉椼儹銈搞偋銈儓銇亰銇戙倠鍙傜収瑷樺彿(渚嬶細A-1)銆傚垎椤炪偝銉笺儔銇с伅銇亸鍐呴儴銇т娇鐢ㄣ仌銈屻倠銉椼儹銈搞偋銈儓銈裤偆銉椼仺銇椼仸浣跨敤銇曘倢銈嬨倐銇 |
| 鍙傝冨彿 | 鑻ユ湭閲囩敤宸茬煡鐨勫垎绫荤郴缁燂紝鍒欒灞炴т负璇ラ」鐩腑璇ョ被鍨嬫瀯浠剁殑鍙傝冪紪鍙凤紙渚嬪锛岀被鍨婣-1锛夈 |
Status |
PEnum_ElementStatus* |
| Status | Status bzw. Phase des Bauteils insbesondere beim Bauen im Bestand. "Neu" (new) neues Bauteil als Erg盲nzung, "Bestand" (existing) bestehendes Bauteil, dass erhalten bleibt, "Abbruch" (demolish) Bauteil, das abgebrochen wird, "Tempor盲r" (temporary) Bauteil und andere Bauelemente, die vor眉bergehend eingebaut werden (wie Abst眉tzungen, etc.) |
| Status | Status of the element, predominately used in renovation or retrofitting projects. The status can be assigned to as "New" - element designed as new addition, "Existing" - element exists and remains, "Demolish" - element existed but is to be demolished, "Temporary" - element will exists only temporary (like a temporary support structure). |
| Statut | Statut de l'茅l茅ment, principalement utilis茅 dans les projets de r茅novation et de r茅habilitation. Le statut a pour valeur NOUVEAU pour un nouvel 茅l茅ment, EXISTANT pour un 茅l茅ment existant qui est conserv茅, DEMOLI pour un 茅l茅ment existant 脿 d茅molir et TEMPORAIRE pour un 茅l茅ment temporaire (comme une structure support provisoire). |
| 鐘舵厠 | 瑕佺礌锛堜富銇儶銉庛儥銉笺偡銉с兂銇俱仧銇敼淇儣銉偢銈с偗銉堛伀銇娿亜銇︼級銇姸鎱嬨 鐘舵厠銇併屾柊瑕(New)銆嶏紞鏂般仐銇忚拷鍔犮仌銈屻倠瑕佺礌銆傘屾棦瀛樸嶏紞瑕佺礌銇瓨鍦ㄣ仐銆併亱銇ゆ畫銈娿倐銇傘岀牬澹娿嶏紞瑕佺礌銇瓨鍦ㄣ仐銇熴亴銆佸粌妫勩仌銈屻倠銈傘伄銆傘屼竴鏅傜殑銆嶏紞涓鏅傜殑銇瓨鍦ㄣ仚銈嬭绱狅紙涓鏅傜殑銇偟銉濄兗銉堛仐銇︺亜銈嬫閫犮伄銈堛亞銇倐銇級銆 |
ValvePattern |
PEnum_ValvePattern |
| Valve Pattern | The configuration of the ports of a valve according to either the linear route taken by a fluid flowing through the valve or by the number of ports where:
SINGLEPORT: Valve that has a single entry port from the system that it serves, the exit port being to the surrounding environment.
ANGLED_2_PORT: Valve in which the direction of flow is changed through 90 degrees.
STRAIGHT_2_PORT: Valve in which the flow is straight through.
STRAIGHT_3_PORT: Valve with three separate ports.
CROSSOVER_4_PORT: Valve with 4 separate ports. |
| 寮併伄褰 | 鍗樹竴銉濄兗銉圫INGLEPORT()=銈枫偣銉嗐儬銇у崢涓鍏ュ彛銉濄兗銉堛倰鎸併仭銆佸嚭鍙c儩銉笺儓銇懆鍥茬挵澧冦仹銇傘倠銆2銉濄兗銉堢洿瑙掑瀷(ANGLED_2_PORT)锛濅腑銇ф祦銈屾柟鍚戙亴瀹屽叏銇90搴﹀銈忋倠寮併2銉濄兗銉堢洿琛屽瀷(STRAIGHT_2_PORT)锛濅腑銇ф祦銈屻亴鐪熴仯鐩淬亹銇紒銆3銉濄兗銉堢洿琛屽瀷(STRAIGHT_3_PORT)锛3銇ゃ伄鍒ャ呫伄銉濄兗銉堛倰鎸併仱銆4銉濄兗銉堜氦宸瀷(CROSSOVER_4_PORT)锛4銇ゃ伄鍒ャ呫伄銉濄兗銉堛倰鎸併仱 |
ValveOperation |
PEnum_ValveOperation |
| Valve Operation | The method of valve operation where:
DROPWEIGHT: A valve that is closed by the action of a weighted lever being released, the weight normally being prevented from dropping by being held by a wire, the closure normally being made by the action of heat on a fusible link in the wire
FLOAT: A valve that is opened and closed by the action of a float that rises and falls with water level. The float may be a ball attached to a lever or other mechanism
HYDRAULIC: A valve that is opened and closed by hydraulic actuation
LEVER: A valve that is opened and closed by the action of a lever rotating the gate within the valve.
LOCKSHIELD: A valve that requires the use of a special lockshield key for opening and closing, the operating mechanism being protected by a shroud during normal operation.
MOTORIZED: A valve that is opened and closed by the action of an electric motor on an actuator
PNEUMATIC: A valve that is opened and closed by pneumatic actuation
SOLENOID: A valve that is normally held open by a magnetic field in a coil acting on the gate but that is closed immediately if the electrical current generating the magnetic field is removed.
SPRING: A valve that is normally held in position by the pressure of a spring on a plate but that may be caused to open if the pressure of the fluid is sufficient to overcome the spring pressure.
THERMOSTATIC: A valve in which the ports are opened or closed to maintain a required predetermined temperature.
WHEEL: A valve that is opened and closed by the action of a wheel moving the gate within the valve. |
| 寮佹搷浣 | The method of valve operation where:寮佹搷浣滄柟娉曘伅浠ヤ笅銇氥倞锛
銇娿倐銈(DROPWEIGHT)锛濄亰銈傘倞銈掍粯銇戙倝銈屻仧銉儛銉笺亴澶栥仌銈屻倠鍕曚綔銇ч枆銇俱倠寮併娴亶(FLOAT)锛濇按浣嶃仺鍏便伀涓婁笅銇欍倠娴亶銇嫊浣溿仹闁嬮枆銇欍倠寮併傛诞銇嶃伅銉儛銉笺伀浠樸亼銇熴儨銉笺儷鍙堛伅浠栥伄姗熸銆姘村姏(HYDRAULIC)锛濇按鍔涖偄銈儊銉ャ偍銉笺偪銇ч枊闁夈仚銈嬪紒銆銉儛銉(LEVER)锛濆紒鍐呫伄銈层兗銉堛倰鍥炶虎銇曘仜銈嬨儸銉愩兗銇嫊浣溿仹闁嬮枆銇欍倠寮併銉儍銈偡銉笺儷銉(LOCKSHIELD)锛濋枊闁夈伄銇熴倎銇壒鍒ャ伄銉儍銈偡銉笺儷銉夈偔銉笺伄浣跨敤銈掕姹傘仚銈嬪紒銆傛搷浣滄妲嬨伅閫氬父銇搷浣溿伄闁撱伅瑕嗐亜銇т繚璀枫仌銈屻仸銇勩倠銆闆诲嫊鍖(MOTORIZED)锛濄偄銈儊銉ャ偍銉笺偪銇粯銇戙倝銈屻仧闆诲嫊銉€兗銈裤伄鍕曚綔銇ч枊闁夈仚銈嬪紒銆绌烘皸鍦(PNEUMATIC)锛濆湩绺┖姘椼仹鍕曘亸銈€偗銉併儱銈ㄣ兗銈裤仹闁嬮枆銇欍倠寮併绛掑瀷銈炽偆銉(SOLENOID)锛濄偛銉笺儓銇粯銇戙倝銈屼綔鍕曘仐銇︺亜銈嬨偝銈ゃ儷銇鐣屻仹閫氬父銇枊銇繚銇熴倢銇︺亜銈嬪紒銆傘仐銇嬨仐銆併倐銇楃鐣屻倰鐧虹敓銇椼仸銇勩倠闆绘祦銇屾秷銇曘倢銇熴倝銇熴仩銇°伀闁夈伨銈嬨銇般伃(SPRING)锛濇澘銇粯銇戙倝銈屻仧銇般伃銇湩鍔涖仹銆侀氬父銇綅缃倰淇濄仧銈屻仸銇勩倠寮併傘仐銇嬨仐銆併倐銇楁祦浣撱伄鍦у姏銇屻併伆銇伄鍦у姏銈堛倞鍗佸垎澶с亶銇戙倢銇伴枊銇勩仸銇椼伨銇嗐傘鑷嫊娓╁害瑾跨瘈(THERMOSTATIC)锛濆墠銈傘仯銇︽焙銈併倝銈屻仧瑕佹眰娓╁害銈掔董鎸併仚銈嬨仧銈併伀銆佷腑銇儩銉笺儓銇岄枊闁夈仚銈嬪紒銆銉忋兂銉夈儷(WHEEL)锛濆紒鍐呫伄銈层兗銉堛倰鍕曘亱銇欍儚銉炽儔銉伄鍕曚綔銇ч枊闁夈仚銈嬪紒 |
ValveMechanism |
PEnum_ValveMechanism |
| Valve Mechanism | The mechanism by which the valve function is achieved where:
BALL: Valve that has a ported ball that can be turned relative to the body seat ports.
BUTTERFLY: Valve in which a streamlined disc pivots about a diametric axis.
CONFIGUREDGATE: Screwdown valve in which the closing gate is shaped in a configured manner to have a more precise control of pressure and flow change across the valve.
GLAND: Valve with a tapered seating, in which a rotatable plug is retained by means of a gland and gland packing.
GLOBE: Screwdown valve that has a spherical body.
LUBRICATEDPLUG: Plug valve in which a lubricant is injected under pressure between the plug face and the body.
NEEDLE: Valve for regulating the flow in or from a pipe, in which a slender cone moves along the axis of flow to close against a fixed conical seat.
PARALLELSLIDE: Screwdown valve that has a machined plate that slides in formed grooves to form a seal.
PLUG: Valve that has a ported plug that can be turned relative to the body seat ports.
WEDGEGATE: Screwdown valve that has a wedge shaped plate fitting into tapered guides to form a seal. |
| 寮佹妲 | 姗熸銇倛銈婂彲鑳姐仾寮佹鑳姐伅浠ヤ笅銇氥倞锛
銉溿兗銉紒(BALL valve)锛濇湰浣撱伄銈枫兗銉堛儩銉笺儓銇枹閫c仐銇﹀洖杌€仹銇嶃倠銉濄兗銉堛儨銉笺儷銈掓寔銇ゅ紒銆銉愩偪銉曘儵銈ゅ紒(BUTTERFLY valve)锛濈洿寰勮桓銇傘仧銈娿伀娴佺窔鍨嬨伄鍐嗘澘銇棆鍥炶桓銇亗銈嬪紒銆CONFIGURED銈广偗銉儱銉煎紒(CONFIGUREDGATE Screwdown valve)锛濋枆閹栥偛銉笺儓銈掓寔銇ゃ伃銇樺洖銇楀紡寮併傘仢銇紒銇佸紒銈掗氶亷銇欍倠鏅傚湩鍔涖仺娴侀噺澶夋洿銈掋倛銈婃纰恒伀鍒跺尽銇с亶銈嬫柟娉曘仹褰€仴銇戙倝銈屻仸銇勩倠銆銈般儵銉炽儔寮(GLAND Valve)锛濄儐銉笺儜銉笺伄銇ゃ亜銇熴偡銉笺儓銈掓寔銇c仧寮併傘仢銇腑銇洖杌€儣銉┿偘銇屻偘銉┿兂銉夈仺銈般儵銉炽儔銉戙儍銈兂銇倛銇c仸淇濇寔銇曘倢銇︺亜銈嬨銈般儹銉笺儢銈广偗銉儱銉煎紒(GLOBE Screwdown valve)锛 鐞冨舰銇湰浣撱倰鎸併仱銇仒鍥炪仐寮忓紒銆婊戙儣銉┿偘寮(LUBRICATEDPLUG Plug valve)锛濄儣銉┿偘琛ㄩ潰銇ㄦ湰浣撱仺銇枔銇湩鍔涖倰涓嬨亽銈嬨仧銈併伀娼ゆ粦娌广亴娉ㄥ叆銇曘倢銇熷紒銆銉嬨兗銉夈儷寮(NEEDLE Valve)锛濈鍐呭銇祦閲忋倰瑾跨瘈銇欍倠寮併傘仢銇腑銇浐瀹氥仐銇熷唵閷愬舰銇偡銉笺儓銈掗枆姝€仧銈併伀銆佹祦銈屻伄杌搞伀娌裤仯銇﹀嫊銇忕窗闀枫亜銈炽兗銉炽倰鎸併仯銇︺亜銈嬨骞宠銈广儵銈ゃ儔銈广偗銉儱銉煎紒(PARALLELSLIDE Screwdown valve)锛濇姊板姞宸ャ仌銈屻仧銉椼儸銉笺儓銈掓寔銇ゃ伃銇樺洖銇楀紡寮併傘仢銇儣銉兗銉堛伅銈枫兗銉倰褰㈡垚銇欍倠銇熴倎銇簼銇腑銈掓粦銈嬨銉椼儵銈板紒(PLUG Valve)锛濇湰浣撱伄銈枫兗銉堛儩銉笺儓銇ㄩ枹閫c仐銇﹀洖杌€仹銇嶃倠銆併儩銉笺儓銇椼仧銉椼儵銈般倰鎸併仱寮併銇忋仌銇炽偛銉笺儓銈广偗銉儱銉煎紒(WEDGEGATE Screwdown valve)锛濄偡銉笺儷銈掑舰鎴愩仚銈嬨仧銈併伀銉嗐兗銉戙兗銇粯銇勩仧銈偆銉夈伄涓倰銇忋仌銇崇姸銇澘閮ㄥ搧銈掓寔銇ゃ伃銇樺洖銇楀紡寮 |
Size |
| Size | The size of the connection to the valve (or to each connection for faucets, mixing valves, etc.). |
| 銈点偆銈 | 寮侊紙鍙堛伅銆佹按鏍撱佹贩鍚堝紒绛夈伄鎺ョ稓锛夋帴缍氥偟銈ゃ偤 |
TestPressure |
| Test Pressure | The maximum pressure to which the valve has been subjected under test. |
| 瑭﹂〒鍦у姏 | 瑭﹂〒銇檪銆佹帥銇戙倝銈屻倠鏈楂樺湩鍔 |
WorkingPressure |
| Working Pressure | The normally expected maximum working pressure of the valve. |
| 閬嬭虎鍦у姏 | 銉愩儷銉栥伄閫氬父浜堟兂銇曘倢銈嬫渶楂橀亱杌㈠湩鍔 |
FlowCoefficient |
| Flow Coefficient | Flow coefficient (the quantity of fluid that passes through a fully open valve at unit pressure drop), typically expressed as the Kv or Cv value for the valve. |
| 娴佸嚭淇傛暟 | 娴佸嚭淇傛暟锛堝叏闁嬨伄銉愩儷銉栥倰閫氶亷銇欍倠鍗樹綅鍦у姏鎼嶅け褰撱仧銈娿伄娴佷綋銇噺锛変竴鑸殑銇儛銉儢銇甂v鍙堛伅Cv鍊ゃ仹琛ㄣ仌銈屻倠 |
CloseOffRating |
| Close Off Rating | Close off rating. |
| 銈儹銉笺偤銈儠銉兗銉嗐偅銉炽偘 | 銈儹銉笺偤銈儠銉兗銉嗐偅銉炽偘 |