- AllocObject
- AttachCurrentThread
- CallBooleanMethod
- CallByteMethod
- CallCharMethod
- CallDoubleMethod
- CallFloatMethod
- CallIntMethod
- CallLongMethod
- CallObjectMethod
- CallShortMethod
- CallStaticBooleanMethod
- CallStaticByteMethod
- CallStaticCharMethod
- CallStaticDoubleMethod
- CallStaticFloatMethod
- CallStaticIntMethod
- CallStaticLongMethod
- CallStaticObjectMethod
- CallStaticShortMethod
- CallStaticStringMethod
- CallStaticVoidMethod
- CallStringMethod
- CallVoidMethod
- DeleteGlobalRef
- DeleteLocalRef
- DetachCurrentThread
- EnsureLocalCapacity
- ExceptionClear
- ExceptionDescribe
- ExceptionOccurred
- FatalError
- FindClass
- FromBooleanArray
- FromByteArray
- FromCharArray
- FromDoubleArray
- FromFloatArray
- FromIntArray
- FromLongArray
- FromObjectArray
- FromReflectedField
- FromReflectedMethod
- FromShortArray
- GetArrayLength
- GetBooleanArrayElement
- GetBooleanField
- GetByteArrayElement
- GetByteField
- GetCharArrayElement
- GetCharField
- GetDoubleArrayElement
- GetDoubleField
- GetFieldID
- GetFloatArrayElement
- GetFloatField
- GetIntArrayElement
- GetIntField
- GetLongArrayElement
- GetLongField
- GetMethodID
- GetObjectArrayElement
- GetObjectClass
- GetObjectField
- GetShortArrayElement
- GetShortField
- GetStaticBooleanField
- GetStaticByteField
- GetStaticCharField
- GetStaticDoubleField
- GetStaticFieldID
- GetStaticFloatField
- GetStaticIntField
- GetStaticLongField
- GetStaticMethodID
- GetStaticObjectField
- GetStaticShortField
- GetStaticStringField
- GetStringField
- GetStringUTFChars
- GetStringUTFLength
- GetSuperclass
- GetVersion
- IsAssignableFrom
- IsInstanceOf
- IsSameObject
- NewBooleanArray
- NewByteArray
- NewCharArray
- NewDoubleArray
- NewFloatArray
- NewGlobalRef
- NewIntArray
- NewLocalRef
- NewLongArray
- NewObjectArray
- NewObject
- NewShortArray
- NewStringUTF
- PopLocalFrame
- PushLocalFrame
- SetBooleanArrayElement
- SetBooleanField
- SetByteArrayElement
- SetByteField
- SetCharArrayElement
- SetCharField
- SetDoubleArrayElement
- SetDoubleField
- SetFloatArrayElement
- SetFloatField
- SetIntArrayElement
- SetIntField
- SetLongArrayElement
- SetLongField
- SetObjectArrayElement
- SetObjectField
- SetShortArrayElement
- SetShortField
- SetStaticBooleanField
- SetStaticByteField
- SetStaticCharField
- SetStaticDoubleField
- SetStaticFloatField
- SetStaticIntField
- SetStaticLongField
- SetStaticObjectField
- SetStaticShortField
- SetStaticStringField
- SetStringField
- ThrowNew
- Throw
- ToBooleanArray
- ToByteArray
- ToCharArray
- ToDoubleArray
- ToFloatArray
- ToIntArray
- ToLongArray
- ToObjectArray
- ToReflectedField
- ToReflectedMethod
- ToShortArray
AndroidJNI.CallStaticCharMethod 调用静态字符方法
static function CallStaticCharMethod (clazz : IntPtr, methodID : IntPtr, args : jvalue[]) : Char
Invokes a static method on a Java object, according to the specified methodID, optionally passing an array of arguments (args) to the method.
参见: Java Native Interface Specification (Oracle)
最后修改:2011年4月13日 Wednesday 20:40