AndroidJNIHelper.GetFieldID 获取域ID

static function GetFieldID (javaClass : IntPtr, fieldName : string, signature : string = "", isStatic : bool = false) : IntPtr



Scans a particular Java class for a field matching a name and a signature.


The signature comparison is done to allow sub-/base-classes of a class types. If no signature is provided the first field with the correct name will be returned.

签名比较是为了允许类的类型的 sub-/base-classes。如果没有提供签名,具有正确的名称的首个域将被返回。

参见:AndroidJNIHelper.GetSignature, AndroidJNIHelper.GetConstructorID, AndroidJNIHelper.GetMethodID

最后修改:2011年4月9日 Saturday 16:27

本脚本参考基于Unity 3.4.1f5

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