AssetDeleteResult 资源删除结果
Note: This is an editor class. To use it you have to place your script in Assets/Editor inside your project folder. Editor classes are in the UnityEditor namespace so for C# scripts you need to add "using UnityEditor;" at the beginning of the script.
注意:这是一个编辑器类,如果想使用它你需要把它放到工程目录下的Assets/Editor文件夹下。编辑器类在UnityEditor命名空间下。所以当使用C#脚本时,你需要在脚本前面加上 "using UnityEditor"引用。
Tells the internal implementation that the callback did not delete the asset. The asset will be delete by the internal implementation.
告诉内部执行的回调不删除该资源。该资源将由内部执行删除。 -
Tells Unity that the file cannot be deleted and Unity should leave it alone.
告诉Unity文件不能删除并不要管它。 -
Tells Unity that the asset was deleted by the callback. Unity will not try to delete the asset, but will delete the cached version and preview file.
最后修改:2011年9月29日 Thursday 13:23