Lightmapping 光照贴图
Allows to control the lightmapping job.
Note: This is an editor class. To use it you have to place your script in Assets/Editor inside your project folder. Editor classes are in the UnityEditor namespace so for C# scripts you need to add "using UnityEditor;" at the beginning of the script.
注意:这是一个编辑器类,如果想使用它你需要把它放到工程目录下的Assets/Editor文件夹下。编辑器类在UnityEditor命名空间下。所以当使用C#脚本时,你需要在脚本前面加上 "using UnityEditor"引用。
Before starting the job the bake settings can be set via LightmapEditorSettings.
Class Variables类变量
Returns true when the bake job is running, false otherwise (Read Only).
Class Functions类函数
Starts an asynchronous bake job.
启用异步烘焙。 -
Stars a synchronous bake job.
启用同步烘焙。 -
Starts an asynchronous bake job for the selected objects.
对选择的物体,启用异步烘焙。 -
Stars a synchronous bake job for the selected objects.
为选择的物体,启用同步烘焙。 -
Cancels the currently running asynchronous bake job.
取消当前运行的异步烘焙。 -
Deletes all lightmap assets and makes all lights behave as if they weren't baked yet.
最后修改:2011年6月28日 Tuesday 16:14