- Angle
- ClampMagnitude
- Cross
- Distance
- Dot
- forward
- Lerp
- magnitude
- Max
- Min
- MoveTowards
- normalized
- Normalize
- one
- operator !=
- operator *
- operator +
- operator -
- operator /
- operator ==
- OrthoNormalize
- Project
- Reflect
- right
- RotateTowards
- Scale
- Slerp
- SmoothDamp
- sqrMagnitude
- this [int index]
- ToString
- up
- Vector3
- x
- y
- zero
- z
Vector3.operator / 运算符 除法
static operator / (a : Vector3, d : float) : Vector3
Divides a vector by a number.
Divides each component of a by a number d.
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class example : MonoBehaviour {
public void Awake() {
print(new Vector3(1, 2, 3) / 2.0F);
// make the vector twice shorter: prints (0.5,1.0,1.5)
print (Vector3(1,2,3) / 2.0);
最后修改:2011年1月2日 Sunday 20:33