Pset_AudioVisualApplianceTypeCamera Semantic definition
An audio-visual camera is a device that captures video, such as for security. HISTORY: Added in IFC4. Applicable entities
- IfcAudioVisualAppliance/CAMERA
- IfcAudioVisualApplianceType/CAMERA Properties
Name | Property Type | Data Type | Description | |
CameraType | IfcPropertyEnumeratedValue | PEnum_AudioVisualCameraType |
Indicates the type of camera. |
IsOutdoors | IfcPropertySingleValue | IfcBoolean |
Indicates if camera is designed to be used outdoors. |
VideoResolutionWidth | IfcPropertySingleValue | IfcInteger |
Indicates the number of horizontal pixels (the largest native video resolution width). |
VideoResolutionHeight | IfcPropertySingleValue | IfcInteger |
Indicates the number of vertical pixels (the largest native video resolution height). |
VideoResolutionMode | IfcPropertyTableValue | IfcLabel/IfcIdentifier |
Indicates video resolution modes. |
VideoCaptureInterval | IfcPropertyTableValue | IfcTimeMeasure/IfcIdentifier |
Indicates video frame capture time intervals. |
PanTiltZoomPreset | IfcPropertyTableValue | IfcLabel/IfcIdentifier |
Indicates pan/tilt/zoom position presets. |
PanHorizontal | IfcPropertyBoundedValue | IfcLengthMeasure |
Indicates horizontal range for panning. |
PanVertical | IfcPropertyBoundedValue | IfcLengthMeasure |
Indicates vertical range for panning. |
TiltHorizontal | IfcPropertyBoundedValue | IfcPlaneAngleMeasure |
Indicates horizontal range for pivoting, where positive values indicate the camera rotating clockwise, |
TiltVertical | IfcPropertyBoundedValue | IfcPlaneAngleMeasure |
Indicates vertical range for pivoting, where 0.0 is level, +90 degrees is looking up, -90 degrees is looking down. |
Zoom | IfcPropertyBoundedValue | IfcPositiveLengthMeasure |
Indicates the zoom range. |