7.6 IfcPlumbingFireProtectionDomain
7.6.1 Schema definition
The IfcPlumbingFireProtectionDomain schema forms part of the Domain Layer of the IFC Model. It extends the ideas concerning building services outlined in the IfcSharedBldgServicesElements schema. It defines concepts in the domain of plumbing and fire protection.
The scope of the IfcPlumbingFireProtectionDomain, in conjunction with other building services related schemata, is the provision of plumbing and fire protection services to buildings.
In the case of plumbing, the scope includes for the provision of services external to the building up to the final manhole at which connection is made to the public drainage/sewage service provision. Particular exceptions to support building code checking requirements are made as outlined below.
In the case of fire protection, the scope includes for all services from the point at which a fire authority service is connected or the point at which the statutory water provider terminates the public connection.
In particular, IfcPlumbingFireProtectionDomain schema supports ideas including types of:
- sanitary element concerned with personal and public hygiene,
- trap on waste pipelines to prevent backflow and odor transmission,
- interceptor to capture unwanted liquid and solid waste materials and prevent their passage into drainage pipelines,
- waste disposal unit,
- cowl terminating ventilation and rainwater pipes at their highest elevation,
- automatic and manual terminal point that can be activated to extinguish fire,
- hydrant that provide a source of water for hoses in the event of fire or other need for a temporary water supply.
The following are deemed to be out of scope of the IfcPlumbingFireProtectionDomain schema at this time:
- public utility water and waste services
7.6.2 Types
- IfcFireSuppressionTerminalTypeEnum
- IfcInterceptorTypeEnum
- IfcSanitaryTerminalTypeEnum
- IfcStackTerminalTypeEnum
- IfcWasteTerminalTypeEnum
7.6.3 Entities
- IfcFireSuppressionTerminal
- IfcFireSuppressionTerminalType
- IfcInterceptor
- IfcInterceptorType
- IfcSanitaryTerminal
- IfcSanitaryTerminalType
- IfcStackTerminal
- IfcStackTerminalType
- IfcWasteTerminal
- IfcWasteTerminalType
7.6.4 Property Sets
- Pset_FireSuppressionTerminalTypeBreechingInlet
- Pset_FireSuppressionTerminalTypeCommon
- Pset_FireSuppressionTerminalTypeFireHydrant
- Pset_FireSuppressionTerminalTypeHoseReel
- Pset_FireSuppressionTerminalTypeSprinkler
- Pset_InterceptorTypeCommon
- Pset_SanitaryTerminalTypeBath
- Pset_SanitaryTerminalTypeBidet
- Pset_SanitaryTerminalTypeCistern
- Pset_SanitaryTerminalTypeCommon
- Pset_SanitaryTerminalTypeSanitaryFountain
- Pset_SanitaryTerminalTypeShower
- Pset_SanitaryTerminalTypeSink
- Pset_SanitaryTerminalTypeToiletPan
- Pset_SanitaryTerminalTypeUrinal
- Pset_SanitaryTerminalTypeWashHandBasin
- Pset_StackTerminalTypeCommon
- Pset_WasteTerminalTypeCommon
- Pset_WasteTerminalTypeFloorTrap
- Pset_WasteTerminalTypeFloorWaste
- Pset_WasteTerminalTypeGullySump
- Pset_WasteTerminalTypeGullyTrap
- Pset_WasteTerminalTypeRoofDrain
- Pset_WasteTerminalTypeWasteDisposalUnit
- Pset_WasteTerminalTypeWasteTrap
7.6.5 Quantity Sets
- Qto_FireSuppressionTerminalBaseQuantities
- Qto_InterceptorBaseQuantities
- Qto_SanitaryTerminalBaseQuantities
- Qto_StackTerminalBaseQuantities
- Qto_WasteTerminalBaseQuantities
7.6.6 Functions
No resources are available in this category.
7.6.7 Rules
No resources are available in this category.
7.6.8 PropertyEnumerations
- PEnum_BathType
- PEnum_BreechingInletCouplingType
- PEnum_BreechingInletType
- PEnum_CisternHeight
- PEnum_FireHydrantType
- PEnum_FlushType
- PEnum_FountainType
- PEnum_HoseNozzleType
- PEnum_HoseReelMountingType
- PEnum_HoseReelType
- PEnum_InletPatternType
- PEnum_ShowerType
- PEnum_SinkType
- PEnum_SprinklerActivation
- PEnum_SprinklerBulbLiquidColour
- PEnum_SprinklerResponse
- PEnum_SprinklerType
- PEnum_ToiletPanType
- PEnum_ToiletType
- PEnum_UrinalType
- PEnum_WashHandBasinType