Pset_FlowMeterTypeWaterMeter Semantic definition
Device that measures, indicates and sometimes records, the volume of water that passes through it without interrupting the flow. Applicable entities
- IfcFlowMeterType/WATERMETER Properties
Name | Property Type | Data Type | Description | |
Type | IfcPropertyEnumeratedValue | PEnum_WaterMeterType |
A symbol designator with content according to local standards, e.g. 'BycycleCrossing', 'RoadStuds', 'SpeedBump', 'TransverseBar', 'BusStop', 'Chevron', 'Hatched', 'KeepClear', 'BoxJunction', 'EmergencyExit', 'Intersection', 'Junction' |
ConnectionSize | IfcPropertySingleValue | IfcPositiveLengthMeasure |
The connection size of the object. Inlet and outlet pipe connections to the meter. |
MaximumFlowRate | IfcPropertySingleValue | IfcVolumetricFlowRateMeasure |
Maximum rate of flow which the meter is expected to pass. |
MaximumPressureLoss | IfcPropertySingleValue | IfcPressureMeasure |
Pressure loss expected across the meter under conditions of maximum flow. |
BackflowPreventerType | IfcPropertyEnumeratedValue | PEnum_BackflowPreventerType |
Identifies the type of backflow preventer installed to prevent the backflow of contaminated or polluted water from an irrigation/reticulation system to a potable water supply. |