AnimationCurve.keys 所有键

var keys : Keyframe[]


All keys defined in the animation curve.


This lets you clear, add or remove any keys from the array. If keys are not sorted by time, they will be automatically sorted on assignment.


Note that the array is "by value", i.e. getting keys returns a copy of all keys and setting keys copies them into the curve.


See Also: Keyframe struct, AddKey, RemoveKey functions.

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class example : MonoBehaviour {
	private AnimationCurve anim;
	private Keyframe[] ks;
	void Start() {
		ks = new Keyframe[50];
		int i = 0;
		while (i < ks.Length) {
			ks[i] = new Keyframe(i, i * i);
		anim = new AnimationCurve(ks);
	void Update() {
		transform.position = new Vector3(Time.time, anim.Evaluate(Time.time), 0);
// Make a GameObject follow a Cuadratic function 
// 使一个游戏对象跟随一个Cuadratic函数
// Over the X and Y axis.
// 在X,Y轴
private var anim : AnimationCurve;
private var ks : Keyframe [];

function Start() {
   ks = new Keyframe [50];
   for(var i = 0; i < ks.Length ; i++){
		ks[i] = Keyframe (i,i*i);    
   anim = new AnimationCurve(ks);

function Update() {
   transform.position = Vector3( Time.time ,anim.Evaluate( Time.time ),0);
最后修改:2010年12月7日 Tuesday 18:42

本脚本参考基于Unity 3.4.1f5

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