AudioImporter.compressionBitrate 压缩的比特率

var compressionBitrate : int


Compression bitrate.


This value is in bits/second, e.g. 128000 would be 128 kbps.

这个值是 bits/second ,如,128000 将是 128 kbps。

// Prints the bitrate of the imported audio files

class BitrateLogger extends AssetPostprocessor {
	function OnPreprocessAudio () {
		var audioImporter : AudioImporter = assetImporter;
		Debug.Log(assetPath + " - " + audioImporter.compressionBitrate + " bits/second");
最后修改:2011年5月26日 Thursday 10:41

本脚本参考基于Unity 3.4.1f5

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