- angularXDrive
- angularXMotion
- angularYLimit
- angularYMotion
- angularYZDrive
- angularZLimit
- angularZMotion
- configuredInWorldSpace
- highAngularXLimit
- linearLimit
- lowAngularXLimit
- projectionAngle
- projectionDistance
- projectionMode
- rotationDriveMode
- secondaryAxis
- slerpDrive
- targetAngularVelocity
- targetPosition
- targetRotation
- targetVelocity
- xDrive
- xMotion
- yDrive
- yMotion
- zDrive
- zMotion
ConfigurableJoint.angularYZDrive 角YZ轴驱动
var angularYZDrive : JointDrive
Definition of how the joint's rotation will behave around its local Y and Z axes. Only used if Rotation Drive Mode is Swing & Twist
最后修改:2011年1月28日 Friday 22:01