Event.KeyboardEvent 键盘事件
static function KeyboardEvent (key : string) : Event
Create a keyboard event.
This is useful when you need to check if a certain key has been pressed - possibly with modifiers. The syntax for the key string is a key name (same as in the Input Manager), optionally prefixed by any number of modifiers:
& = Alternate, ^ = Control, % = Command/Windows key, # = Shift
Examples: &f12 = Alternate + F12, "^[0]" = Control + keypad0
当你需要检查,如果某个键被按下,可能带有组合键这个很有用的,key的字符串是键的名字(同输入管理器一样),选择任意组合键数量的前缀:& = Alternate,^ = Control,% = Command/Windows key, # = Shift
例如:&f12 = Alt + F12, "^[0]" = Ctrl + 数字键0
function OnGUI () {
GUILayout.Label ("Press Enter To Start Game");
if (Event.current.Equals (Event.KeyboardEvent ("[enter]")))
Application.LoadLevel (1);
if (Event.current.Equals (Event.KeyboardEvent ("return")))
print ("I said enter, not return - try the keypad");
最后修改:2010年12月31日 Friday 23:17