LayerMask 层蒙版


LayerMask allow you to display the LayerMask popup menu in the inspector

similar to those in the camera.cullingMask. Layer masks can be used selectively filter game objects for example when casting rays.

layermask允许你在检视面板中显示layermask弹出菜单,类似与camera.cullingmask。layermask 可以选择性地过滤物体,例如当投射射线时

// Casts a ray using the layer mask,
// which can be modified in the inspector.

var mask : LayerMask = -1;
function Update () {
	if (Physics.Raycast (transform.position, transform.forward, 100, mask.value)) {
		Debug.Log("Hit something");


Class Functions类函数

最后修改:2011年2月24日 Thursday 16:26

本脚本参考基于Unity 3.4.1f5

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