Selection.activeGameObject 激活游戏物体

static var activeGameObject : GameObject


Returns the active game object. (The one shown in the inspector)


It will also return game objects that might be prefabs or non-modifyable objects.


// Rotates the selected Game Object +45 degrees if the user presses 'g'
// or -45 degrees if the user presses 'Shift + g'
// If no object is selected, the Menus are grayed out.
// 如果用户按'g'会将游戏物体顺时针旋转45度,如果用户按'Shift + g'将逆时针旋转45度
// 如果没有物体被选择,菜单是灰色的。

@MenuItem ("Example/Rotate Green +45 _g")
static function RotateGreenPlus45() {
	var obj = Selection.activeGameObject;

@MenuItem ("Example/Rotate Green +45 _g", true)
static function ValidatePlus45() {
	return Selection.activeGameObject != null;

@MenuItem ("Example/Rotate green -45 #g")
static function RotateGreenMinus45() {
	var obj = Selection.activeGameObject;

@MenuItem ("Example/Rotate green -45 #g", true)
static function ValidateMinus45() {
	return Selection.activeGameObject != null;
最后修改:2011年4月11日 Monday 12:06

本脚本参考基于Unity 3.4.1f5

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