Selection.activeTransform 激活变换

static var activeTransform : Transform


Returns the active transform. (The one shown in the inspector)


This will never return prefabs or non-modifyable objects.


// C# Example
// Duplicates the selected object and places it at the origin
// 复制选择的物体并将它放置在原点

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;

public class SelectionActiveTransform : ScriptableObject {
	[MenuItem ("Example/Duplicate at Origin _d")]
	static void DuplicateSelected() {
		Instantiate(Selection.activeTransform,, Quaternion.identity);

	//The menu item will be disabled if nothing, is selected.
	[MenuItem ("Example/Duplicate at Origin _d", true)]
	static bool ValidateSelection () {
		return Selection.activeTransform != null;
最后修改:2011年4月11日 Monday 11:55

本脚本参考基于Unity 3.4.1f5

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