Shader.Find 查找
static function Find (name : string) : Shader
Finds a shader with the given name.
Shader.Find can be used to switch to another shader without having to keep a reference to the shader. name is the name you can see in the shader popup of any material. Common names are: "Diffuse", "Bumped Diffuse", "VertexLit", "Transparent/Diffuse" etc.
Shader.Find能够用来切换到另一个着色器,而不必保持一个到该着色的引用。name是你可以在任意材质的shader弹出窗口看到。通常的名称是:"Diffuse", "Bumped Diffuse", "VertexLit", "Transparent/Diffuse"等等。
When building a player, a shader will only be included if it is assigned to a material that is used in any scene or if the shader is placed in a "Resources" folder.
参见: Material 类
// Switch the shader from code
function Start () {
// Switch to the transparent diffuse shader
//切换到transparent diffuse着色器
renderer.material.shader = Shader.Find ("Transparent/Diffuse");
// Create a material from code
function Start () {
// Create a material with transparent diffuse shader
//创建一个带有transparent diffuse着色器的材质
var material = new Material (Shader.Find ("Transparent/Diffuse"));
material.color =;
// assign the material to the renderer
renderer.material = material;