Material材质 翻译:titan-志广
- color
- CopyPropertiesFromMaterial
- GetColor
- GetFloat
- GetMatrix
- GetTag
- GetTextureOffset
- GetTextureScale
- GetTexture
- GetVector
- HasProperty
- Lerp
- mainTextureOffset
- mainTextureScale
- mainTexture
- Material
- passCount
- renderQueue
- SetColor
- SetFloat
- SetMatrix
- SetPass
- SetTextureOffset
- SetTextureScale
- SetTexture
- SetVector
- shader
Material 材质
Inherits from Object
The material class.
This class exposes all properties from a material, allowing you to animate them. You can also use it to set custom shader properties that can't be accessed through the inspector (e.g. matrices).
In order to get the material used by an object, use the Renderer.material property:
为了获得一个对象使用的材质,可以使用 Renderer.material 属性:
renderer.material.color =;
The shader used by the material.
材质使用的着色器。 -
The main material's color.
主材质的颜色。 -
The main material's texture.
主材质的纹理。 -
The texture offset of the main texture.
主纹理中的纹理偏移量。 -
The texture scale of the main texture.
主纹理中的纹理缩放量。 -
How many passes are in this material (Read Only).
在这个材质中有多少pass。(只读) -
Render queue of this material
Create a temporary material from a shader source string.
Set a named color value.
设置已命名的颜色值。 -
Get a named color value.
获取已命名的颜色值 -
Set a named vector value.
设置已命名的向量值 -
Get a named vector value.
获取已命名的向量值 -
Set a named texture.
设置已命名的纹理 -
Get a named texture.
设置已命名的纹理 -
Sets the placement offset of texture propertyName.
设置纹理propertyName的偏移量。 -
Gets the placement offset of texture propertyName.
获取纹理propertyName的偏移量。 -
Sets the placement scale of texture propertyName.
设置纹理propertyName的缩放量。 -
Gets the placement scale of texture propertyName.
获取纹理propertyName的缩放量 -
Set a named matrix for the shader.
为这个shader设置一个命名矩阵 -
Get a named matrix value from the shader.
从这个shader中获取命名矩阵的值 -
Set a named float value.
设置一个命名的浮点数 -
Get a named float value.
获取一个命名的浮点数 -
Checks if material's shader has a property of a given name.
检查材质的着色器是否具有给定名称的属性 -
Get the value of material's shader tag.
获取材质着色器的标签值。 -
Interpolate properties between two materials.
在两个材质之间插值 -
Activate the given pass for rendering.
为渲染激活给定的pass -
Copy properties from other material into this material.
Inherited members继承成员
Inherited Variables继承变量
The name of the object. //物体的名字
Should the object be hidden, saved with the scene or modifiable by the user?
Inherited Functions继承函数
Returns the instance id of the object.
返回物体的实例ID -
Returns the name of the game object.
Inherited Class Functions继承类函数
Does the object exist?
物体是否存在? -
Clones the object original and returns the clone.
克隆原始物体,并返回克隆的物体 -
Removes a gameobject, component or asset.
删除一个游戏物体、组件或资源 -
Destroys the object obj immediately. It is strongly recommended to use Destroy instead.
立即销毁物体obj,强烈建议使用Destroy代替。 -
Returns a list of all active loaded objects of Type type.
返回Type类型的所有激活的加载的物体列表 -
Returns the first active loaded object of Type type.
返回Type类型第一个激活的加载的物体。 -
Compares if two objects refer to the same
比较如果两个物体相同 -
Compares if two objects refer to a different object
比较如果两个物体不同 -
Makes the object target not be destroyed automatically when loading a new scene.
最后修改:2011年9月12日 Monday 10:38