Material材质 翻译:titan-志广
- color
- CopyPropertiesFromMaterial
- GetColor
- GetFloat
- GetMatrix
- GetTag
- GetTextureOffset
- GetTextureScale
- GetTexture
- GetVector
- HasProperty
- Lerp
- mainTextureOffset
- mainTextureScale
- mainTexture
- Material
- passCount
- renderQueue
- SetColor
- SetFloat
- SetMatrix
- SetPass
- SetTextureOffset
- SetTextureScale
- SetTexture
- SetVector
- shader
Material.SetFloat 设置浮点数
function SetFloat (propertyName : string, value : float) : void
Set a named float value.
function Start () {
// Use the Glossy shader on the material
//材质使用Glossy 着色器
renderer.material.shader = Shader.Find (" Glossy");
function Update () {
// Animate the Shininess value
var shininess : float = Mathf.PingPong ( Time.time , 1.0);
renderer.material.SetFloat( "_Shininess", shininess );
最后修改:2011年1月22日 Saturday 21:25