- color
- CopyPropertiesFromMaterial
- GetColor
- GetFloat
- GetMatrix
- GetTag
- GetTextureOffset
- GetTextureScale
- GetTexture
- GetVector
- HasProperty
- Lerp
- mainTextureOffset
- mainTextureScale
- mainTexture
- Material
- passCount
- renderQueue
- SetColor
- SetFloat
- SetMatrix
- SetPass
- SetTextureOffset
- SetTextureScale
- SetTexture
- SetVector
- shader
Material.SetPass 设置材质通道
function SetPass (pass : int) : bool
Activate the given pass for rendering.
Pass indices start from zero and go up to (but not including) passCount .
传递从0开始最大到(但不包括)passCount 的索引。
This is mostly used in direct drawing code using GL class (Unity Pro only). For example, Image Effects use materials for implementing screen post-processing. For each pass in the material they activate the pass and draw a fullscreen quad.
这主要用于使用 GL 类直接绘图代码中 (Unity 专业版)。比如图像效果使用执行屏幕后处理的材质。在材质中的每一个Pass都会激活(见 SetPass)并绘制全屏四边形
If SetPass returns false, you should not render anything.
如果SetPass 返回 false你就不能渲染任何东西。
Here is an example of a full image effect that inverts the colors. Add this script to the camera and see it in play mode.
private var mat : Material;
function Start () {
mat = new Material (
"Shader \"Hidden/Invert\" {" +
"SubShader {" +
" Pass {" +
" ZTest Always Cull Off ZWrite Off" +
" SetTexture [_RenderTex] { combine one-texture }" +
" }" +
"}" +
function OnRenderImage (source : RenderTexture, dest : RenderTexture) {
RenderTexture.active = dest;
source.SetGlobalShaderProperty ("_RenderTex");
GL.PushMatrix ();
GL.LoadOrtho ();
// activate the first pass (in this case we know it is the only pass)
mat.SetPass (0);
// draw a quad
GL.Begin (GL.QUADS);
GL.TexCoord2 (0, 0); GL.Vertex3 (0, 0, 0.1);
GL.TexCoord2 (1, 0); GL.Vertex3 (1, 0, 0.1);
GL.TexCoord2 (1, 1); GL.Vertex3 (1, 1, 0.1);
GL.TexCoord2 (0, 1); GL.Vertex3 (0, 1, 0.1);
GL.End ();
GL.PopMatrix ();