- childCount
- DetachChildren
- eulerAngles
- Find
- forward
- InverseTransformDirection
- InverseTransformPoint
- IsChildOf
- localEulerAngles
- localPosition
- localRotation
- localScale
- localToWorldMatrix
- LookAt
- lossyScale
- parent
- position
- right
- root
- RotateAround
- Rotate
- rotation
- TransformDirection
- TransformPoint
- Translate
- up
- worldToLocalMatrix
Transform.InverseTransformPoint 相反变换位置
function TransformPoint (position : Vector3) : Vector3
Transforms position from world space to local space. The opposite of Transform.TransformPoint.
Note that the returned position is affected by scale. Use Transform.InverseTransformDirection if you are dealing with directions.
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class example : MonoBehaviour {
public Transform cam = Camera.main.transform;
public Vector3 cameraRelative = cam.InverseTransformPoint(transform.position);
public void Awake() {
if (cameraRelative.z > 0)
print("The object is in front of the camera");
print("The object is behind the camera");
// Calculate the transform's position relative to the camera.
var cam = Camera.main.transform;
var cameraRelative = cam.InverseTransformPoint(transform.position);
if (cameraRelative.z > 0)
print ("The object is in front of the camera");
print ("The object is behind the camera");
• function InverseTransformPoint (x : float, y : float, z : float) : Vector3
Note that the returned position is affected by scale. Use Transform.InverseTransformDirection if you are dealing with directions.
Transforms the position x, y, z from world space to local space. The opposite of Transform.TransformPoint.
变换位置 x, y, z从世界坐标到自身坐标。和Transform.TransformPoint相反。
Note that the returned position is affected by scale. Use Transform.InverseTransformDirection if you are dealing with directions.
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class example : MonoBehaviour {
public void Awake() {
relativePoint = transform.InverseTransformPoint(0, 0, 0);
if (relativePoint.z > 0)
print("The world origin is in front of this object");
print("The world origin is behind of this object");
// Calculate the world origin relative to this transform.
relativePoint = transform.InverseTransformPoint(0, 0, 0);
if (relativePoint.z > 0)
print ("The world origin is in front of this object");
print ("The world origin is behind of this object");