AssetPostprocessor.OnPostprocessTexture 在导入纹理之后

function OnPostprocessTexture (texture : Texture2D) : void


Add this function in a subclass to get a notification when a texture has completed importing just before the texture is saved to disk.


// Postprocesses all textures that are placed in a folder
// "invert color" to have their colors inverted.
// 后处理文件夹内的全部纹理,完成颜色倒置.
class InvertColor extends AssetPostprocessor {
	// Use this for initialization
	// 用这个初始化
	function OnPostprocessTexture (texture : Texture2D ) {
		// Only post process textures if they are in a folder
		// "invert color" or a sub folder of it.
		// 如果它们在一个文件夹或其子文件夹,只能后处理纹理
//		var lowerCaseAssetPath = assetPath.ToLower();
//		if (lowerCaseAssetPath.IndexOf ("/invert color/") == -1)
//			return;

		for (var m=0;m < texture.mipmapCount;m++)
			var c : Color [] = texture.GetPixels(m);
			for (var i=0;i < c.Length;i++)
				c[i].r = 1 - c[i].r;
				c[i].g = 1 - c[i].g;
				c[i].b = 1 - c[i].b;
			texture.SetPixels(c, m);
		// Instead of setting pixels for each mip map levels, you can also
		// modify only the pixels in the highest mip level. And then simply use
		// texture.Apply(true); to generate lower mip levels.
		// 代替为mipmap各级设置像素,
		// 你也可以只修改最高层mipmap的像素点.之后用
		// texture.Apply(true);生成低层mip
最后修改:2011年1月8日 Saturday 22:15

本脚本参考基于Unity 3.4.1f5

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