AssetPostprocessor.OnPostprocessGameObjectWithUserProperties 在导入带有用户属性的游戏物体之后

function OnPostprocessGameObjectWithUserProperties (root : GameObject, propNames : string[], values : object[]) : void


Gets called for each GameObject that had at least one userpropery attached to it in the imported file.


The propNames is a string[] containing all the names of the properties found. The values is an System.Object[] containing all the actual values. These can be of type string, Vector4, bool, string, Color, float, int.

PropNames是一个string[],其中包含了所有找到的属性的名称.该值是一个object[],包含所有实际值。它们可以是string,Vector4, bool, string, Color, float, int。

Typical usecase for this feature is reading out "userdata" stored on objects in 3dmax/maya. Based on what is written in the text userdata for an object, you could decide to postprocess your GameObject in different ways. The sample below adds a simple BoxCollider component if the userdata string contains "addboxcollider".


class MyPostprocessor extends AssetPostprocessor {

	function OnPostprocessGameObjectWithUserProperties (
	go : GameObject ,
	propNames : String [],
	values : System. Object []
		for (var i : int =0; i!= propNames.Length; i++)

			var propName : String = propNames[i];
			var value : Object = values[i];

			Debug.Log ("Propname: "+propName+" value: "+values[i]);

			if (value.GetType() == String )
				var s : String = value;
				if (s.Contains("addboxcollider")) go.AddComponent( BoxCollider );

			if (value.GetType() == Vector4 )
				var v : Vector4 = value;
				// do something useful.

			if (value.GetType() == Color )
				var c : Color = value;
				// do something useful.

			if (value.GetType() == int)
				var myInt : int = value;
				// do something useful.

			if (value.GetType() == float)
				var myFloat : float = value;
				// do something useful
最后修改:2011年1月8日 Saturday 23:00

本脚本参考基于Unity 3.4.1f5

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