ClothSkinningCoefficient 布料蒙皮系数
The ClothSkinningCoefficient struct is used to set up how a SkinnedCloth component is allowed to move with respect to the SkinnedMeshRenderer it is attached to.
This is set using the SkinnedCloth.coefficients property on the SkinnedCloth component, which is a per-vertex array of ClothSkinningCoefficient structs. Typically, you will not set these values from code, but instead, set them up in the editor which shows up when you look at the SkinnedCloth component in the inspector.
Distance a vertex is allowed to travel from the skinned mesh vertex position.
一个点是允许从蒙皮网格点位置运动的距离。 -
Distorts the sphere defined by the maxDistance based on skinned mesh normals.
通过基于蒙皮网格法线的最大距离,变形定义的球体。 -
Definition of a sphere a vertex is not allowed to enter. This allows collision against the animated cloth.
定义一个球体的一个顶点不允许进入。这允许反向碰撞动画布料。 -
Definition of a sphere a vertex is not allowed to enter. This allows collision against the animated cloth.
最后修改:2011年1月8日 Saturday 13:08