GL.MultMatrix 乘以矩阵

static function MultMatrix (mat : Matrix4x4) : void


Multiplies the current modelview matrix with the one specified.


Equivalent to glMultMatrix(mat) in OpenGL; in other graphics APIs the corresponding functionality is emulated.


Changing modelview matrix overrides current camera's view parameters, so most often you want to save and restore matrix using GL.PushMatrix and GL.PopMatrix.

改变模型视图矩阵会覆盖当前的camera 的参数,许多情况下你需要用到GL.PushMatrix 和GL.PopMatrix矩阵函数.来保存和恢复。

最后修改:2011年3月22日 Tuesday 10:55


本脚本参考基于Unity 3.4.1f5

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