ScriptableWizard.OnWizardOtherButton 当向导带其他按钮

function OnWizardOtherButton () : void


Allows you to provide an action when the user clicks on the other button.


This is the place where you can implement all the stuff that will be done if the user clicks the secondary option when calling DisplayWizard.



ScriptableWizard.OnWizardOtherButton 当向导带其他按钮

Scriptable Wizard with an "Other" button, in this case named "Info".

// C#
// Display a window showing the distance between two objects when clicking the Info button.

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;

public class ScriptableWizardOnWizardOtherButton : ScriptableWizard {

	public Transform firstObject = null;
	public Transform secondObject = null;

	[MenuItem ("Example/Show OnWizardOtherButton Usage")]
	static void CreateWindow() {
		ScriptableWizard.DisplayWizard("Click info to know the distance between the objecst",
		typeof(ScriptableWizardOnWizardOtherButton), "Finish!", "Info");
	void OnWizardUpdate() {
		if(firstObject == null || firstObject == null) {
			isValid = false;
			errorString = "Select the objects you want to measure";
		} else {
			isValid = true;
			errorString = "";
	// Called when you press the "Info" button.
	void OnWizardOtherButton () {
		float distanceObjs = Vector3.Distance(firstObject.position, secondObject.position);
			"The distance between the objects is: " + distanceObjs + " Units",
	// Called when you press the "Finish!" button.
	void OnWizardCreate() {
最后修改:2011年6月25日 Saturday 15:16

本脚本参考基于Unity 3.4.1f5

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