Texture2D.GetPixels 获取一块像素颜色

function GetPixels (miplevel : int = 0) : Color[]


Get a block of pixel colors.


This function returns an array of pixel colors of the whole mip level of the texture.


The returned array is a flattened 2D array, where pixels are laid out left to right, top to bottom (i.e. row after row). Array size is width by height of the mip level used. The default mip level is zero (the base texture) in which case the size is just the size of the texture. In general case, mip level size is mipWidth=max(1,width>>miplevel) and similarly for height.


mipWidth=max(1,width>>miplevel) 高度也类似

The texture must have the Is Readable flag set in the import settings, otherwise this function will fail.

这个纹理需要在导入设置里设置为Is Readable(可读),否则此函数将会无效。

Using GetPixels can be faster than calling GetPixel repeatedly, especially for large textures. In addition, GetPixels can access individual mipmap levels.

使用GetPixels可以比重复调用 GetPixel ,特别是在纹理较大的情况下调用 GetPixel 快得多,另外GetPixels可以访问单个mip级别

参见: SetPixels , mipmapCount .

• function GetPixels (x : int, y : int, blockWidth : int, blockHeight : int, miplevel : int = 0) : Color[]


Get a block of pixel colors.


This function is an extended version of GetPixels above; it does not return the whole mip level but only blockWidth byblockHeight region starting at x,y. The block must fit into the used mip level. The returned array is blockWidth*blockHeightsize.


最后修改:2010年12月18日 Saturday 0:46

本脚本参考基于Unity 3.4.1f5

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