
static function Texture2D (width : int, height : int) : Texture2D


Create a new empty texture.


The texture will be width by height size, with an ARGB32 TextureFormat and with mipmaps.


Usually you will want to set the colors of the texture after creating it, using SetPixel, SetPixels and Apply functions.

通常创建它之后你要设置纹理的颜色,使用SetPixel, SetPixelsApply函数。

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class example : MonoBehaviour {
	void Start() {
		Texture2D texture = new Texture2D(128, 128);
		renderer.material.mainTexture = texture;
function Start () {
	// Create a new texture and assign it to the renderer's material
	var texture = new Texture2D (128, 128);
	renderer.material.mainTexture = texture;

参见: SetPixel, SetPixels, Apply 函数。

• static function Texture2D (width : int, height : int, format : TextureFormat, mipmap : bool) : Texture2D


Create a new empty texture.


The texture will be width by height size, with a given format and with mipmaps or without.


Usually you will want to set the colors of the texture after creating it, using SetPixel, SetPixels and Apply functions.

通常创建它之后你要设置纹理的颜色,使用SetPixel, SetPixelsApply函数。

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class example : MonoBehaviour {
	void Start() {
		Texture2D texture = new Texture2D(128, 128, TextureFormat.ARGB32, false);
		renderer.material.mainTexture = texture;
function Start () {
	// Create a new texture and assign it to the renderer's material
	var texture = new Texture2D(128, 128, TextureFormat.ARGB32 , false);
	renderer.material.mainTexture = texture;

参见: SetPixel, SetPixels, Apply 函数。

最后修改:2010年12月17日 Friday 23:43

本脚本参考基于Unity 3.4.1f5

英文部分版权属©Unity公司所有,中文部分© Unity圣典 版权所有,未经许可,严禁转载 。