Cloth.stretchingStiffness 韧度

var stretchingStiffness : float


Stretching stiffness of the cloth.


Must be greater than zero and smaller or equal to one. In many cases, when you want a cloth to be more stiff, actually reducing the number of vertices will get you better results - and performance.

必须大于0,或小于等于1。 在大多数情况下,当你想要一块比较硬的布料,实际上可以减少布料的顶点数,会得到更好的效果和性能。

// Set the stretching Stiffness to 1 regardless if the cloth
//设置布料的stretching Stiffness为1
// is a Skinned Cloth or Interactive.
//可以是Skinned Cloth或者Interactive .

transform.GetComponent(Cloth).stretchingStiffness = 1;

最后修改:2011年1月18日 Tuesday 22:12

本脚本参考基于Unity 3.4.1f5

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