EditorPrefs.DeleteAll 删除全部

static function DeleteAll () : void


Removes all keys and values from the preferences. Use with caution.


EditorPrefs.DeleteAll 删除全部

Clears all editor prefs keys.

// Clear all the editor prefs keys.
// Warning: this will also remove editor preferences as the opened projects, etc
class ClearEditorPrefs extends ScriptableObject {
	@MenuItem ("Examples/Clear all Editor Preferences")
	static function DoDeselect() {
		if(EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Delete all editor preferences?",
			"Are you sure you want to delete all the editor preferences?,this action cannot be undone.",
最后修改:2011年7月11日 Monday 18:03

本脚本参考基于Unity 3.4.1f5

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