EditorPrefs.DeleteKey 删除键

static function DeleteKey (key : string) : void


Removes key and its corresponding value from the preferences.


EditorPrefs.DeleteKey 删除键

Removes a user entered editor preference, if it doesnt exists it prints a message.


// Removes a user entered editor preference, if it doesnt exists it prints a message.
class RemoveSpecificEditorPrefs extends EditorWindow {

	var editorPref : String = "";

	@MenuItem("Examples/Remove specific editor key pref.")
	static function Init() {
		var window = GetWindow(RemoveSpecificEditorPrefs);

	function OnGUI() {
		editorPref = EditorGUILayout.TextField("Editor key name:",editorPref);
			if(EditorPrefs.HasKey(editorPref)) {
				if(EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Removing " + editorPref + "?",
					"Are you sure you want to delete the editor key " +
					editorPref + "?, This action cant be undone","Yes","No"))
		} else {
			EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Couldnt find " + editorPref,	"Seems that " + editorPref +
			" doesnt exists or it has been deleted already,check that you have typed correctly the name of the key.","Ok");
最后修改:2011年7月11日 Monday 17:55

本脚本参考基于Unity 3.4.1f5

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