MaterialPropertyBlock.AddMatrix 添加矩阵

function AddMatrix (name : string, value : Matrix4x4) : void
function AddMatrix (nameID : int, value : Matrix4x4) : void


Add a matrix material property.


For performance reasons, the property block can contain only a limited number of property values. Two 4x4 matrices, six vectors/colors or 12 floats can be stored in the block. Storage space for the values is shared, so storing one matrix leaves twice less space to store vectors and floats. When block's storage is filled up, additional Add calls will be ignored.


Function variant that takes nameID is faster. If you are adding properties with the same name repeatedly, use Shader.PropertyToID to get unique identifier for the name, and pass the identifier to AddMatrix.


var rotateSpeed = 30;
var texture : Texture;
var aMesh : Mesh;

// Create a new material with a shader
// that rotates the texture. Texture rotation
// is performed with a _Rotation matrix.
var m : Material = new Material (
	"Shader \"Rotating Texture\" {" +
	"	Properties { _MainTex (\"Base\", 2D) = \"white\" {} }" +
	"	SubShader {" +
	" 		Pass {" +
	" 			Material { Diffuse (1,1,1,0) Ambient (1,1,1,0) }" +
	" 			Lighting On" +
	" 			SetTexture [_MainTex] {" +
	" 				matrix [_Rotation]" +
	" 				combine texture * primary double, texture" +
	" 			}" +
	" 		}" +
	"	}" +
m.mainTexture = texture;

function Update() {
	var materialProperty : MaterialPropertyBlock = new MaterialPropertyBlock();
	// Construct a rotation matrix and set it for the shader
	var rot : Quaternion = Quaternion.Euler (0, 0, Time.time * rotateSpeed);
	var mtrx : Matrix4x4 = Matrix4x4.TRS (, rot, Vector3(1,1,1) );

	// Update the rotation matrix.
	materialProperty.AddMatrix ("_Rotation", mtrx);
	Graphics.DrawMesh(aMesh, Vector3(-5,0,0), Quaternion.identity,
	m, 0, null, 0, materialProperty);
最后修改:2011年3月1日 Tuesday 22:22

本脚本参考基于Unity 3.4.1f5

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