- alphamapHeight
- alphamapLayers
- alphamapResolution
- alphamapWidth
- baseMapResolution
- detailHeight
- detailPrototypes
- detailResolution
- detailWidth
- GetAlphamaps
- GetDetailLayer
- GetHeights
- GetHeight
- GetInterpolatedHeight
- GetInterpolatedNormal
- GetSteepness
- GetSupportedLayers
- heightmapHeight
- heightmapResolution
- heightmapScale
- heightmapWidth
- RefreshPrototypes
- SetAlphamaps
- SetDetailLayer
- SetDetailResolution
- SetHeights
- size
- splatPrototypes
- treeInstances
- treePrototypes
- wavingGrassAmount
- wavingGrassSpeed
- wavingGrassStrength
- wavingGrassTint
TerrainData.treePrototypes 树原型列表
var treePrototypes : TreePrototype[]
The list of tree prototypes this are the ones available in the inspector.
if you change any value here, you should call TerrainData.RefreshPrototypes so the changes take effect.
如果在这里改变任意值,可以调用 TerrainData.RefreshPrototypes 刷新使更改生效。
最后修改:2011年3月25日 Friday 15:19