- autoRepaintOnSceneChange
- BeginWindows
- Close
- EndWindows
- focusedWindow
- FocusWindowIfItsOpen.<T>
- FocusWindowIfItsOpen
- Focus
- GetWindow.<T>
- GetWindowWithRect.<T>
- GetWindowWithRect
- GetWindow
- mouseOverWindow
- OnDestroy
- OnFocus
- OnHierarchyChange
- OnInspectorUpdate
- OnLostFocus
- OnProjectChange
- OnSelectionChange
- position
- RemoveNotification
- Repaint
- SendEvent
- ShowAuxWindow
- ShowNotification
- ShowPopup
- ShowTab
- ShowUtility
- Show
- Update
- wantsMouseMove
EditorWindow.OnGUI 当界面
function OnGUI () : void
Implement your own editor GUI here.
Use OnGUI to draw all the controls of your window.
// Simple script that saves frames from the Game View when on play mode
// You can put later the frames togheter and create a video.
// Note: The frames are saved next to the Assets folder.
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
public class SimpleRecorder : EditorWindow {
string fileName = "FileName";
string status = "Idle";
string recordButton = "Record";
bool recording = false;
float lastFrameTime = 0.0f;
int capturedFrame = 0;
[MenuItem ("Example/Simple Recorder")]
static void Init () {
SimpleRecorder window =
void OnGUI () {
fileName = EditorGUILayout.TextField ("File Name:", fileName);
if(GUILayout.Button(recordButton)) {
if(recording) { //recording 记录
status = "Idle...";
recordButton = "Record";
recording = false;
} else { // idle 废弃
capturedFrame = 0;
recordButton = "Stop";
recording = true;
EditorGUILayout.LabelField ("Status: ", status);
void Update () {
if (recording) {
if (EditorApplication.isPlaying && !EditorApplication.isPaused){
} else
status = "Waiting for Editor to Play";
void RecordImages() {
if(lastFrameTime < Time.time + (1/24f)) { // 24fps
status = "Captured frame " + capturedFrame;
Application.CaptureScreenshot(fileName + " " + capturedFrame + ".png");
lastFrameTime = Time.time;
最后修改:2011年6月24日 Friday 14:24